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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 3E, L, O and 2R

DEFLOWERERdeflowerer n. One who deflowers.
DEFLOWERER n. one who deflowers.
ELECTROMERelectromer n. A substance that differs from another only in the distribution of electrons within the atoms of both substances.
ELECTROMER n. a substance showing electromerism.
FORETELLERforeteller n. Someone who foretells.
FORETELLER n. one who foretells.
FREEHOLDERfreeholder n. A person who holds tenure by freehold.
FREEHOLDER n. a person who possesses a freehold.
FREELOADERfreeloader n. One who does not contribute or pay appropriately; one who gets a free ride, etc. without paying a fair share.
freeloader n. (UK, New Zealand, Canada) An individual who takes expired unsold merchandise from the back of supermarket premises.
FREELOADER n. one who freeloads.
LEPROSERIEleproserie n. (Dated) Alternative form of leprosery.
LEPROSERIE n. (French) a hospital for lepers, also LEPROSERY.
OVERCLEVERoverclever adj. Excessively clever.
OVERCLEVER adj. excessively clever.
OVERFREELYoverfreely adv. Too freely.
OVERFREE adv. too liberal.
REENROLLEDreenrolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of reenroll.
REENROLL v. to enroll again.
REEXPLOREDreexplored v. Simple past tense and past participle of reexplore.
REEXPLORE v. to explore again.
REEXPLORESreexplores v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reexplore.
REEXPLORE v. to explore again.
REFLOWEREDreflowered v. Simple past tense and past participle of reflower.
REFLOWER v. to flower again.
REMODELERSremodelers n. Plural of remodeler.
REMODELER n. one who remodels.
REMODELLERremodeller n. A person who remodels or does remodelling.
REMODELLER n. one who remodels.
RESOLDEREDresoldered v. Simple past tense and past participle of resolder.
RESOLDER v. to solder again.
TELEPORTERteleporter n. (Fiction) A person who teleports.
teleporter n. (Science fiction) A device used for teleporting.
teleporter n. An often truck-mounted lift for reaching heights; a cherry picker.
TELERECORDtelerecord v. (Transitive, dated) To record for subsequent broadcast via television.
telerecord v. (Transitive) To record by means of the technique called telerecording.
TELERECORD v. to make a telerecording, a recording for broadcast by television.
TELEWORKERteleworker n. One who teleworks.
TELEWORKER n. a telecommuter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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