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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 3E, L, M, N and O

DOLCEMENTEDOLCEMENTE adj. (Italian) softly; sweetly; with soft, smooth, and delicate execution.
EBOULEMENTéboulement n. A mass of debris or shingle.
éboulement n. The falling in of the wall of a fortification.
éboulement n. A landslide or landslip.
ELOPEMENTSelopements n. Plural of elopement.
ELOPEMENT n. the act of eloping.
EMBOLDENEDemboldened adj. Having been made bold.
emboldened v. Simple past tense and past participle of embolden.
EMBOLDEN v. to instil with courage, also IMBOLDEN.
EMBOLDENERemboldener n. One who, or that which, emboldens.
EMBOLDENER n. one who emboldens.
EMOLLIENCEemollience n. The state or quality of being emollient; soothingness; softness.
emollience n. The act of soothing or appeasing; mollification.
EMOLLIENCE n. the state of being emollient.
EVOLVEMENTevolvement n. Evolution.
EVOLVEMENT n. the act of evolving, evolution.
LEUKEMOGENLEUKEMOGEN n. a substance or agent which promotes the development of leukaemia, also LEUCAEMOGEN, LEUKAEMOGEN.
MELONGENESmelongenes n. Plural of melongene.
MELONGENE n. (Caribbean) an aubergine.
NETTLESOMEnettlesome adj. (Of a person, thing, situation, etc.) Causing irritation, annoyance, or discomfort; bothersome, irksome.
nettlesome adj. (Of a task, problem, etc.) Thorny; difficult to deal with, especially due to being complex or tricky.
NETTLESOME adj. causing vexation.
PERLEMOENSPERLEMOEN n. (South African) another name for abalone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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