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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 3E, 2L, R and S

BESTSELLERbestseller n. A book or other product that has sold in large numbers.
best-seller n. Alternative form of bestseller.
BESTSELLER n. a book, etc. that has sold many copies.
ENAMELLERSenamellers n. Plural of enameller.
ENAMELLER n. one who enamels; a workman or artist who applies enamels in ornamental work, also ENAMELER, ENAMELIST, ENAMELLIST.
FULLERENESfullerenes n. Plural of fullerene.
FULLERENE n. a ball-shaped molecule consisting of carbon atoms.
HELLEBOREShellebores n. Plural of hellebore.
HELLEBORE n. any of various early-flowering plants constituting the genus Helleborus, of the buttercup family.
LEADERLESSleaderless adj. Without a person providing direction.
leaderless adj. Without a thing serving as leader.
LEADERLESS adj. without a leader.
LEAFLETERSleafleters n. Plural of leafleter.
LEAFLETER n. one who distributes leaflets, also LEAFLETEER.
LETTERLESSletterless adj. Without the presence or use of alphabetical letters.
letterless adj. (Of a person) Not having received a letter; (of a period of time) during which no letter is received.
letterless adj. Illiterate.
PEERLESSLYpeerlessly adv. In a peerless manner.
PEERLESS adv. having no equal.
PELLETISERpelletiser n. Alternative form of pelletizer.
PELLETISER n. a device for making pellets, also PELLETIZER.
REDBELLIESredbellies n. Plural of redbelly.
REDBELLY n. the char or other red-bellied fish.
RELEASABLEreleasable adj. Capable of, or suitable for, release.
RELEASABLE adj. that may be released.
RELENTLESSrelentless adj. Unrelenting or unyielding in severity.
relentless adj. Unremitting, steady and persistent.
RELENTLESS adj. unrelenting.
RELIEFLESSreliefless adj. Destitute of relief; without a remedy.
RELIEFLESS adj. destitute of relief.
REPELLENTSrepellents n. Plural of repellent.
REPELLENT n. something that repels.
RESALEABLEresaleable adj. Alternative form of resalable.
RESALEABLE adj. that can be resold.
RESEALABLEresealable adj. Able to be resealed.
resealable n. A package or opening designed so that it can be resealed.
RESEALABLE adj. that can be resealed.
TEASELLERSteasellers n. Plural of teaseller.
TEASELLER n. one who uses teasels for raising a nap on cloth, also TEASELER.
VERMEILLESVERMEILLE v. to make crimson.
WEASELLERSWEASELLER n. one who weasels, also WEASELER.
WEASELLIERweasellier adj. Comparative form of weaselly: more weaselly.
WEASELLY adj. like a weasel, shifty, also WEASELY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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