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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 3E, I and 3R

FERRONIEREFERRONIERE n. (French) a jewel held on a forehead by a chain, also FERRONNIERE.
GREENBRIERgreenbrier n. Any of several American prickly woody vines of the genus Smilax; the catbrier.
GREENBRIER n. any of a genus of woody or herbaceous vines of the lily family.
INTERFERERinterferer n. A person who, or thing that, interferes.
INTERFERER n. one who interferes.
IRREVERENTirreverent adj. Lacking respect; not having or not showing respect for or seriousness towards something that is usually…
IRREVERENT adj. lacking reverence.
MERCERISERMERCERISER n. one who mercerises, also MERCERIZER.
MERCERIZERMERCERIZER n. one who mercerizes, also MERCERISER.
PREREQUIREprerequire v. To require beforehand.
PREREQUIRE v. to require beforehand.
READERLIERREADERLY adj. typical of a reader.
REFERRIBLEreferrible adj. Referable.
REFERRIBLE adj. capable of being referred, also REFERABLE, REFERRABLE.
REGISTERERregisterer n. One who registers.
REGISTERER n. one who registers.
REINTERREDreinterred v. Simple past tense and past participle of reinter.
REINTER v. to inter again.
REPERTOIRErepertoire n. A list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed and is prepared…
repertoire n. The set of skills, abilities, experiences, etc., possessed by a person.
repertoire n. The set of vocalisations used by a bird.
REPRIEVERSREPRIEVER n. one who reprieves.
REREGISTERreregister v. To register again, or to renew or change one’s registration.
re-register v. Alternative form of reregister.
REREGISTER v. to register again.
RETRIEVERSretrievers n. Plural of retriever.
RETRIEVER n. one of a breed of large gun dogs that can be trained to retrieve game.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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