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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 3E, I, P and 2T

EPENTHETICepenthetic adj. (Phonology, phonetics) Of or pertaining to epenthesis.
epenthetic adj. (Phonology, of a phoneme or syllable) Inserted into a word.
EPENTHETIC adj. inserted in the body of a word; as, an epenthetic letter or sound.
EXPEDITATEexpeditate v. (UK, obsolete, transitive, law, forest law) To deprive of the claws or the balls of the forefeet.
EXPEDITATE v. to deprive of the ball of the foot or the claws.
PENTETERICpenteteric adj. Quinquennial.
PENTETERIC adj. occurring every fourth year.
PERMITTEESpermittees n. Plural of permittee.
PERMITTEE n. one to whom a permission or permit is given.
PETITENESSpetiteness n. The quality of being petite.
PETITENESS n. the state of being petite.
PEWTERIESTPEWTERY adj. of or like pewter.
PIERRETTESPierrettes prop.n. Plural of Pierrette.
PIERRETTE n. (French) a female performer in a pierrot group.
PRETERITESpreterites n. Plural of preterite.
PRETERITE n. the grammatical tense signifying past time or a completed action, also PRETERIT.
REPETITEURrepetiteur n. (Music, theater) A tutor or coach of ballet dancers or opera singers.
REPETITEUR n. (French) a coach, tutor; one who rehearses opera singers.
REPETITIVErepetitive adj. Happening many times in a similar way; containing repetition; repeating.
REPETITIVE adj. showing repetition.
TEMPESTIVEtempestive adj. (Obsolete) seasonable; timely.
TEMPESTIVE adj. timely; seasonable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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