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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 3E, I, M, O and T

BEFORETIMEbeforetime adv. (Archaic) Formerly, previously.
BEFORETIME adv. (archaic) formerly.
CEILOMETERceilometer n. A device that measures the altitude of the cloud base, especially above an airfield.
CEILOMETER n. an instrument for measuring height of cloud ceiling above earth.
DEMONETISEdemonetise v. Alternative spelling of demonetize.
DEMONETISE v. to deprive of monetary value; to withdraw from circulation, also DEMONETIZE.
DEMONETIZEdemonetize v. To withdraw the status of legal tender from a coin (Etc.) and remove it from circulation.
demonetize v. To declare ineligible or worthless as a medium of exchange or as legal tender.
demonetize v. (Internet, transitive) To demote (published content, or its creator) so that it is no longer eligible…
EIGHTEENMOeighteenmo n. Octodecimo (as a paper size in printing).
EIGHTEENMO n. a paper size, aka octodecimo.
ERIOMETERSeriometers n. Plural of eriometer.
ERIOMETER n. an instrument for measuring very small diameters.
EUDIOMETEReudiometer n. A graduated glass tube, closed at one end, that is used for measuring the change in the volume of gases…
EUDIOMETER n. an apparatus for gas analysis.
GEOMETRIESgeometries n. Plural of geometry.
GEOMETRY n. a branch of mathematics.
GEOMETRISEgeometrise v. Alternative form of geometrize.
GEOMETRISE v. to work geometrically; to show in geometric form, also GEOMETRIZE.
GEOMETRIZEgeometrize v. (Intransitive) To study or use geometry.
geometrize v. (Transitive) To convert to geometrical form.
GEOMETRIZE v. to work geometrically; to show in geometric form, also GEOMETRISE.
HELIOMETERheliometer n. An astronomical instrument, based on a telescope, for measuring the diameter of the sun; now used to…
HELIOMETER n. instrument for measuring apparent diameter of the sun.
METEORITESmeteorites n. Plural of meteorite.
METEORITE n. a meteor that has fallen to earth as a lump of stone or metal.
MILEOMETERmileometer n. Alternative form of milometer.
MILEOMETER n. an instrument that records the number of miles that a vehicle, etc. has travelled, also MILOMETER.
PIEZOMETERpiezometer n. An instrument used to measure pressure.
PIEZOMETER n. an instrument for measuring pressure or compressibility.
REMONETISEremonetise v. Alternative spelling of remonetize.
REMONETISE v. to reestablish as legal tender, also REMONETIZE.
REMONETIZEremonetize v. To monetize again.
REMONETIZE v. to reestablish as legal tender, also REMONETISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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