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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 3E, I, L and 2R

BIERKELLERbierkeller n. An underground pub where German beer is served.
BIERKELLER n. (German) a beer cellar.
DELIVERERSdeliverers n. Plural of deliverer.
DELIVERER n. one who delivers.
EARLIERISEEARLIERISE v. to do at a date earlier than that arranged, also EARLIERIZE.
EARLIERIZEEARLIERIZE v. to do at a date earlier than that arranged, also EARLIERISE.
IRREMEABLEirremeable adj. (Obsolete) Admitting no return.
IRREMEABLE adj. which cannot be returned; irrevocable.
KERNELLIERKERNELLY adj. full of kernels; resembling a kernel.
LEATHERIERleatherier adj. Comparative form of leathery: more leathery.
LEATHERY adj. resembling leather.
LEPROSERIEleproserie n. (Dated) Alternative form of leprosery.
LEPROSERIE n. (French) a hospital for lepers, also LEPROSERY.
READERLIERREADERLY adj. typical of a reader.
REDELIVERSredelivers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of redeliver.
REDELIVER v. to deliver or give back; to return.
REDELIVERYredelivery n. The act or process of redelivering; a second or subsequent delivery.
REDELIVERY n. the act of delivering again.
REFERRIBLEreferrible adj. Referable.
REFERRIBLE adj. capable of being referred, also REFERABLE, REFERRABLE.
REFILTEREDrefiltered v. Simple past tense and past participle of refilter.
REFILTER v. to filter again.
RESILVEREDresilvered v. Simple past tense and past participle of resilver.
RESILVER v. to cover with silver.
REVERSIBLEreversible adj. Able to be reversed.
reversible adj. (Of clothing) Able to be worn inside out.
reversible adj. (Chemistry, of a chemical reaction) Capable of proceeding in either direction.
REVERTIBLErevertible adj. Able to be reverted.
REVERTIBLE adj. capable of being reverted; as, a revertible estate.
SERREFILESserrefiles n. Plural of serrefile.
SERREFILE n. (French) a file of officers or men appointed to ride at the rear rank of a squadron, also SERAFILE.
SHELTERIERSHELTERY adj. affording shelter.
TELEWRITERtelewriter n. A telautograph.
TELEWRITER n. a telegraph instrument that reproduces handwriting.
TERREPLEINterreplein n. (Obsolete military) The sloping earthen embankment behind a defensive wall.
terreplein n. (Military) The level platform atop a wall, typically protected by a parapet and (strictly) distinguished…
terreplein n. (Military) Any level base used by artillery in the field.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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