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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 3E, I, L, O and T

ATELEIOSESATELEIOSIS n. dwarfism with disproportion.
CEILOMETERceilometer n. A device that measures the altitude of the cloud base, especially above an airfield.
CEILOMETER n. an instrument for measuring height of cloud ceiling above earth.
DIOTHELETEDIOTHELETE n. a believer in dithelism, the doctrine that Christ on earth had two wills, human and divine, also DITHELETE, DYOTHELETE, DYOTHELITE.
ELAEOLITESelaeolites n. Plural of elaeolite.
ELAEOLITE n. a variety of nephelite, usually massive, of greasy luster, and gray to reddish color.
ELEPIDOTESelepidotes n. Plural of elepidote.
ELEPIDOTE n. any of various medium to large rhododendrons with large, leathery leaves lacking the scales characteristic of the related lepidotes.
GEOTEXTILEgeotextile n. Any strong, permeable fabric used in earthworks for any of a number of purposes, including separation…
GEOTEXTILE n. any strong synthetic fabric used in civil engineering, as to retain an embankment.
HELIOMETERheliometer n. An astronomical instrument, based on a telescope, for measuring the diameter of the sun; now used to…
HELIOMETER n. instrument for measuring apparent diameter of the sun.
MILEOMETERmileometer n. Alternative form of milometer.
MILEOMETER n. an instrument that records the number of miles that a vehicle, etc. has travelled, also MILOMETER.
REELECTIONreelection n. The act of being elected after already being elected once, and already having served out one’s first term.
reëlection n. Rare spelling of reelection.
re-election n. Alternative spelling of reelection.
TELECOPIEStelecopies n. Plural of telecopy.
telecopies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of telecopy.
TELECOPY n. a message or document sent by fax.
TELEGONIESTELEGONY n. the influence of a prior mating on a future one with a new mate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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