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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 3E, I, L and 2N

CENTERLINEcenterline n. A line through the center that divides a shape into equal pieces.
centerline n. (Martial arts, boxing) An imaginary line connecting the center of two fighters’ bodies while they face each other.
CENTERLINE n. an often imaginary line that divides a body into two equal halves, also CENTRELINE.
CENTRELINEcentreline n. (British spelling) Alternative form of centerline.
CENTRELINE n. an often imaginary line that divides a body into two equal halves, also CENTERLINE.
CLEMENTINEclementine n. A type of small, sweet orange, the result of a cross between a tangerine and Seville orange.
Clementine adj. Of or relating to Clement, especially to Pope Clement I and the spurious homilies attributed to him…
Clementine prop.n. A female given name from Latin borrowed from French Clémentine in the 19th century.
ENFEEBLINGenfeebling v. Present participle of enfeeble.
enfeebling adj. Causing enfeeblement.
ENFEEBLE v. to make feeble.
ENGINELESSengineless adj. Without an engine.
ENLIVENERSenliveners n. Plural of enlivener.
ENLIVENER n. something that enlivens.
ENWHEELINGenwheeling v. Present participle of enwheel.
ENWHEEL v. (Shakespeare) to encircle.
FELINENESSfelineness n. (Uncountable) The state of being feline.
FELINENESS n. the state of being feline.
FENCELINESfencelines n. Plural of fenceline.
FENCELINE n. the continuous extent of fence encompassing a tract of land, especially on a ranch.
INELEGANCEinelegance n. The state or quality of being inelegant; lack of grace, refinement, beauty, or polish in language, composition…
INELEGANCE n. lack of elegance, also INELEGANCY.
LENIENCIESleniencies n. Plural of leniency.
LENIENCY n. the quality of being lenient, also LENIENCE.
NEGLIGENCEnegligence n. The state of being negligent.
negligence n. (Law, singular only) The tort whereby a duty of reasonable care was breached, causing damage: any conduct…
negligence n. (Law, uncountable) The breach of a duty of care: the failure to exercise a standard of care that a reasonable…
NEPHELINESnephelines n. Plural of nepheline.
NEPHELINE n. a rock-forming mineral, silicate of sodium, potassium and aluminium, colourless, usually crystallizing in hexagonal prisms, also NEPHELITE.
SENTINELEDsentineled v. Simple past tense and past participle of sentinel.
SENTINEL v. to stand guard.
SLEEKENINGsleekening v. Present participle of sleeken.
SLEEKEN v. to make smooth or glossy, also SLEEK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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