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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 3E, I, L, M and T

BELEMNITESbelemnites n. Plural of belemnite.
BELEMNITE n. a fossil pointed like a dart, being the internal shell of a cephalopod mollusc.
CEILOMETERceilometer n. A device that measures the altitude of the cloud base, especially above an airfield.
CEILOMETER n. an instrument for measuring height of cloud ceiling above earth.
CLEMENTINEclementine n. A type of small, sweet orange, the result of a cross between a tangerine and Seville orange.
Clementine adj. Of or relating to Clement, especially to Pope Clement I and the spurious homilies attributed to him…
Clementine prop.n. A female given name from Latin borrowed from French Clémentine in the 19th century.
DEFILEMENTdefilement n. The act of defiling.
defilement n. The state of being defiled.
defilement n. (Military) The protection of the interior walls of a fortification from enfilading fire, as by covering…
EPIMELETICepimeletic adj. (Biology) Relating to altruistic behaviour towards an injured animal.
EPIMELETIC adj. of a type of social behaviour in which the young are cared for by other individuals of the same species e.g. worker bees.
EXILEMENTSexilements n. Plural of exilement.
EXILEMENT n. banishment.
GENTEELISMgenteelism n. Genteel behaviour.
genteelism n. (Countable) A nicer word used instead of a vulgar or distasteful word.
GENTEELISM n. being genteel.
HELIOMETERheliometer n. An astronomical instrument, based on a telescope, for measuring the diameter of the sun; now used to…
HELIOMETER n. instrument for measuring apparent diameter of the sun.
HELMETLIKEhelmetlike adj. Resembling a helmet.
HELMETLIKE adj. like a helmet.
MESITYLENEmesitylene n. (Organic chemistry) The aromatic hydrocarbon 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene that is present in coal tar and…
MESITYLENE n. a colourless liquid that occurs in crude petroleum; 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene.
MILEOMETERmileometer n. Alternative form of milometer.
MILEOMETER n. an instrument that records the number of miles that a vehicle, etc. has travelled, also MILOMETER.
PELVIMETERpelvimeter n. An instrument for measuring the pelvis.
PELVIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the pelvis.
PLEXIMETERpleximeter n. (Medicine) A small, hard, elastic plate, as of ivory, bone, or rubber, placed in contact with the body…
PLEXIMETER n. a small plate to receive the tap in examination by percussion, also PLESSIMETER.
RESILEMENTresilement n. Resilience.
RESILEMENT n. the act of resiling.
REVILEMENTrevilement n. The act of reviling.
REVILEMENT n. the act of reviling.
SMELTERIESsmelteries n. Plural of smeltery.
SMELTERY n. a place for smelting.
TELEMETRICtelemetric adj. Of or pertaining to telemetry.
TELEMETRIC adj. relating to a telemeter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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