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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 3E, H, O and 2R

AEROSPHEREaerosphere n. (Rare) atmosphere.
AEROSPHERE n. the entire atmosphere surrounding the earth.
DECOHERERSdecoherers n. Plural of decoherer.
DECOHERER n. a device for bringing a coherer back to its former condition after it has been affected by an electric wave.
FREEHOLDERfreeholder n. A person who holds tenure by freehold.
FREEHOLDER n. a person who possesses a freehold.
HERETOFOREheretofore adv. (Formal, temporal) Before now, until now, up to the present time; from the beginning to this point.
heretofore adv. (Metatextual) Previously within the present text; earlier herein.
HERETOFORE n. the past.
NETHERMOREnethermore adj. (Archaic, rare, chiefly literary) farther down; lower.
NETHERMORE n. the weaker or inferior party.
OTHERWHEREotherwhere adv. (Now regional) Synonym of somewhere else: elsewhere, in or to some other place.
OTHERWHERE adj. (archaic) elsewhere.
REENTHRONEreenthrone v. (Transitive) To enthrone again; to restore to the throne.
REENTHRONE v. to enthrone again.
RESHOWEREDRESHOWER v. to shower again.
RETHEORIZEretheorize v. To theorize again or anew.
RHEOMETERSrheometers n. Plural of rheometer.
RHEOMETER n. an instrument that measures current.
THREESCOREthreescore n. (Archaic) Sixty. (60)
THREESCORE n. three times twenty.
TREEHOPPERtreehopper n. An insect of the family Membracidae.
TREEHOPPER n. a kind of leaping insect.
WHEREFORESwherefores n. Plural of wherefore.
WHEREFORE n. a reason why, also WHEREFOR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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