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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 3E, H, M, P and R

EMPERISHEDemperished v. Simple past tense and past participle of emperish.
emperished adj. (Obsolete) perished; decayed.
EMPERISH v. (Spenser) to impair.
EMPERISHESEMPERISH v. (Spenser) to impair.
EPHEMERALSephemerals n. Plural of ephemeral.
EPHEMERAL n. a creature, such as a mayfly, that lives for one day only.
EPHEMERIDSephemerids n. Plural of ephemerid.
EPHEMERID n. an insect of the mayfly family.
EPHEMERISTephemerist n. One who collects or studies ephemera.
ephemerist n. One who studies the daily motions and positions of the planets.
ephemerist n. One who keeps an ephemeris; a diarist.
EPHEMERONSEPHEMERON n. something of short lifetime.
EPHEMEROUSephemerous adj. (Archaic) Ephemeral.
EPHEMEROUS adj. ephemeral.
EUPHEMISEReuphemiser n. Alternative form of euphemizer.
EUPHEMISER n. one who euphemises, also EUPHEMIZER.
EUPHEMIZEReuphemizer n. One who, or that which, euphemizes.
EUPHEMIZER n. one who euphemizes, also EUPHEMISER.
HEMISPHEREhemisphere n. (Astronomy, astrology) Half of the celestial sphere, as divided by either the ecliptic or the celestial equator.
hemisphere n. (Figuratively) A realm or domain of activity.
hemisphere n. (Geography) Half of the Earth, such as the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere…
HEPTAMETERheptameter n. A line or verse containing seven metrical feet.
HEPTAMETER n. a verse line of seven feet.
HYPERMETERhypermeter n. A hypercatalectic line, i.e. with two syllables beyond the metrum.
hypermeter n. A period with a redundant syllable.
HYPERMETER n. a verse which has a redundant syllable or foot; a hypercatalectic verse.
MESOSPHEREmesosphere n. (Meteorology) The layer of the Earth’s atmosphere that is directly above the stratosphere and directly…
mesosphere n. (Geology) The part of the Earth’s mantle below the asthenosphere and above the outer core.
MESOSPHERE n. a zone in the Earth between 400 and 670 km below the surface separating the upper mantle from the lower mantle.
REEMPHASESreemphases n. Plural of reemphasis.
REEMPHASIS n. emphasis again.
TELPHERMENTELPHERMAN n. a man who works on a telpher system, a contrivance for the conveyance of vehicles or loads by means of electricity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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