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There are 16 words containing E, Q, R and 3U

AQUACULTUREaquaculture n. The cultivation of aquatic produce such as aquatic plants, fish, and other aquatic animals.
AQUACULTURE n. the practice of using the sea, lakes etc. for fish-farming, also AQUICULTURE.
AQUACULTURESaquacultures n. Plural of aquaculture.
AQUACULTURE n. the practice of using the sea, lakes etc. for fish-farming, also AQUICULTURE.
AQUICULTUREaquiculture n. Alternative form of aquaculture.
AQUICULTURE n. the practice of using the sea, lakes etc. for fish-farming, also AQUACULTURE.
AQUICULTURESaquicultures n. Plural of aquiculture.
AQUICULTURE n. the practice of using the sea, lakes etc. for fish-farming, also AQUACULTURE.
CHURRIGUERESQUEchurrigueresque adj. Alternative form of Churrigueresque.
Churrigueresque adj. (Architecture) Relating to a Spanish baroque architectural style that started in the late 17th century…
CHURRIGUERESQUE adj. of or relating to a Spanish baroque architectural style characterized by elaborate surface decoration, also CHURRIGUERESCO.
EQUINUMEROUSequinumerous adj. (Mathematics) Having equal cardinality.
EQUINUMEROUS adj. having the same number of members.
QUERULOUSquerulous adj. Often complaining; suggesting a complaint in expression; fretful, whining.
QUERULOUS adj. complaining; peevish.
QUERULOUSLYquerulously adv. With grumbling, complaining, or whining.
QUERULOUS adv. complaining; peevish.
QUERULOUSNESSquerulousness n. The quality of being querulous.
querulousness n. A querulous utterance.
QUERULOUSNESS n. the state of being querulous.
QUERULOUSNESSESquerulousnesses n. Plural of querulousness.
QUERULOUSNESS n. the state of being querulous.
QUINQUEFARIOUSquinquefarious adj. (Botany, rare) Arranged in five vertical rows.
QUINQUEFARIOUS adj. arranged in five rows.
SCULPTURESQUEsculpturesque adj. Like or suggesting sculpture: shapely, statuelike, etc.
SCULPTURESQUE adj. done in the manner of or resembling sculpture.
SCULPTURESQUELYsculpturesquely adv. In a sculpturesque manner.
SCULPTURESQUE adv. done in the manner of or resembling sculpture.
TRUQUEURTRUQUEUR n. (French) one who engages in trucage, the faking of works of art.
TRUQUEURSTRUQUEUR n. (French) one who engages in trucage, the faking of works of art.
UNPICTURESQUEunpicturesque adj. Not picturesque; unattractive.
UNPICTURESQUE adj. not picturesque.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 134 words
  • Scrabble in French: 60 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 36 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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