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There are 15 words containing E, O, Q, R, S and Y

DESQUAMATORYdesquamatory adj. (Surgery) Relating to the removal of the laminae of exfoliated bones.
DESQUAMATORY n. an obsolete surgical instrument once used for the desquamation of bones.
FOURSQUARELYFOURSQUARE adv. forthright, marked by boldness and conviction.
GROTESQUELYgrotesquely adv. In a grotesque manner; disgustingly.
GROTESQUE adv. (French) extravagantly formed, fantastic; bizarre.
GROTESQUERYgrotesquery n. Alternative form of grotesquerie.
GROTESQUERY n. grotesque objects collectively; grotesque quality, also GROTESQUERIE.
GYROFREQUENCIESgyrofrequencies n. Plural of gyrofrequency.
GYROFREQUENCY n. the frequency with which a charged particle (as an electron) executes spiral gyrations in moving obliquely across a magnetic field.
HYDROQUINONEShydroquinones n. Plural of hydroquinone.
HYDROQUINONE n. another name for quinol.
QUAESTIONARYquæstionary n. Rare spelling of questionary.
QUAESTIONARY n. (Scott) a religious pardoner, also QUESTIONARY.
QUARRELSOMELYquarrelsomely adv. In a quarrelsome manner.
QUARRELSOME adv. apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner.
QUERIMONIOUSLYquerimoniously adv. In a querimonious manner.
QUERIMONIOUS adv. complaining, querulous.
QUERULOUSLYquerulously adv. With grumbling, complaining, or whining.
QUERULOUS adv. complaining; peevish.
QUESTIONARYquestionary n. A questionnaire.
questionary n. (Archaic) One who makes it his business to seek after relics and carry them about for sale.
questionary adj. Inquiring; asking questions; testing.
REQUISITIONARYrequisitionary adj. Of or pertaining to requisition.
REQUISITIONARY adj. of the nature of a requisition.
REQUISITORYrequisitory adj. Sought for; demanded.
REQUISITORY n. in law, a demand made by a prosecutor that a sentence be passed on an accused, giving the reasons.
REQUOYLESREQUOYLE v. (Shakespeare) to recoil.
TRIQUETROUSLYtriquetrously adv. In a triquetrous or triangular manner.
TRIQUETROUS adv. triangular; three-edged with concave faces, also TRIQUETRAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 210 words
  • Scrabble in French: 211 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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