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There are 15 words containing E, L, O, 2P and X

APOPLEXapoplex n. Obsolete form of apoplexy.
APOPLEX v. to affect with apoplexy.
APOPLEXYapoplexy n. (Medicine, dated) Unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from a cerebral hemorrhage or stroke.
apoplexy n. (Informal) A state of intense and almost uncontrollable anger.
APOPLEXY n. a sudden loss of sensation and movement due to a disturbance of blood supply to the brain.
APOPLEXEDapoplexed adj. (Obsolete) Affected with apoplexy.
APOPLEX v. to affect with apoplexy.
APOPLEXESapoplexes n. Plural of apoplex.
APOPLEX v. to affect with apoplexy.
PREPOLLEXprepollex n. An extra digit beside the thumb.
PREPOLLEX n. (Latin) in some animals, a rudimentary innermost finger.
APOPLEXIESapoplexies n. Plural of apoplexy.
APOPLEXY n. a sudden loss of sensation and movement due to a disturbance of blood supply to the brain.
APOPLEXINGAPOPLEX v. to affect with apoplexy.
SPORTSPLEXsportsplex n. (US) A complex offering sporting facilities.
POMPHOLYXESPOMPHOLYX n. (Greek) a vesicular eruption or eczema chiefly on the palms and soles.
PROPHYLAXESprophylaxes n. Plural of prophylaxis.
PROPHYLAXIS n. preventive treatment against diseases, etc.
EXPROPRIABLEexpropriable adj. Capable of being expropriated, or seized for public use.
EXPROPRIABLE adj. that can be expropriated.
HYPERCOMPLEXhypercomplex adj. (Mathematics) Describing any of several types of higher-dimensional numbers having some characteristics…
hypercomplex n. (Mathematics) A hypercomplex number.
HYPERCOMPLEX adj. excessively complex.
SPORTSPLEXESsportsplexes n. Plural of sportsplex.
APPROXIMATELYapproximately adv. Imprecise but close to in quantity or amount.
APPROXIMATE adv. close together.
PEROXYSULPHURICPEROXYSULPHURIC adj. as in peroxysulphuric acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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