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There are 19 words containing E, I, K, S, W and Y

WHISKEYwhiskey n. (Ireland, US) A liquor distilled from the fermented mash of grain (as rye, corn, or barley).
whiskey n. (Ireland, US) A drink of whiskey.
whiskey n. (Historical) A light gig or carriage; a tim-whiskey.
BIKEWAYSbikeways n. Plural of bikeway.
BIKEWAY n. (US) a route set aside for bicycles.
EYEWINKSeyewinks n. Plural of eyewink.
EYEWINK n. (Shakespeare) a wink of the eye.
SKYWRITEskywrite v. To write a message in the sky using the trail of smoke from a moving airplane.
skywrite v. (Education) To spell a word by tracing it in the air with one’s finger.
SKYWRITE v. to write in the sky with vapour from a plane.
WHISKERYwhiskery adj. Having whiskers.
whiskery adj. Having protrusions resembling whiskers.
whiskery adj. Resembling whiskers.
WHISKEYSwhiskeys n. Plural of whiskey.
WHISKEY n. an alcoholic spirit, also WHISKY.
SKYWRITERskywriter n. One who does skywriting. A pilot who writes messages, by leaving a trail of smoke from the plane, that…
SKYWRITER n. one who skywrites.
SKYWRITESskywrites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of skywrite.
SKYWRITE v. to write in the sky with vapour from a plane.
WALKYRIESWalkyries n. Plural of Walkyrie.
WALKYRIE n. (Old Norse) in Norse mythology, a maiden who chooses the slain, also VALKYRIE, VALKYR.
WEAKISHLYWEAKISH adv. somewhat weak.
SEMIWEEKLYsemiweekly adj. Alternative spelling of semi-weekly.
semiweekly n. A periodical published twice a week.
semi-weekly adj. Occurring twice a week; occurring once every one-half a week.
SKYWRITERSskywriters n. Plural of skywriter.
SKYWRITER n. one who skywrites.
SKYWRITTENskywritten v. Past participle of skywrite.
SKYWRITE v. to write in the sky with vapour from a plane.
WHISKEYFIEDwhiskeyfied adj. Alternative spelling of whiskified.
WHISKEYFIED adj. intoxicated, also WHISKIFIED.
PENNYWINKLESPENNYWINKLE n. a kind of marine snail, also PERIWINKLE.
PINNYWINKLESpinnywinkles n. Alternative form of pilliwinks.
PINNYWINKLE n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PILNIEWINKS, PINNIEWINKLE.
TIDDLEYWINKStiddleywinks n. Plural of tiddleywink.
Tiddley␣Winks prop.n. Alternative spelling of tiddlywinks.
TIDDLEDYWINK n. a game in which one attempts to flip a small disc into a cup by pressing its edge with a bigger one, also TIDDLEYWINK, TIDDLYWINK.
TIGGYWINKLESTIGGYWINKLE n. (dialect) a hedgehog.
TIDDLEDYWINKStiddledywinks n. Alternative form of tiddlywinks.
tiddledywinks n. Plural of tiddledywink.
Tiddledy␣Winks prop.n. Alternative spelling of tiddlywinks This is the spelling originally trademarked in the UK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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