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There are 18 words containing E, I, K, 2O and V

GROOVELIKEgroovelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a groove (channel or depression).
GROOVELIKE adj. like a groove.
MOVIEOKEmovieoke n. An entertainment in which someone acts out a scene from a movie, against a silent version of it as background.
MOVIEOKE n. an entertainment in which people act out scenes from movies that are silently playing in the background.
MOVIEOKESMOVIEOKE n. an entertainment in which people act out scenes from movies that are silently playing in the background.
OVERBOOKINGoverbooking v. Present participle of overbook.
overbooking n. An instance of selling or guaranteeing more seats than are available.
OVERBOOKING n. the act of booking more than necessary.
OVERBOOKINGSoverbookings n. Plural of overbooking.
OVERBOOKING n. the act of booking more than necessary.
OVERCLOCKINGoverclocking v. Present participle of overclock.
OVERCLOCKING n. the act of running a computer component at a higher clock rate than it was designed for or was specified by the manufacturer.
OVERCLOCKINGSOVERCLOCKING n. the act of running a computer component at a higher clock rate than it was designed for or was specified by the manufacturer.
OVERCOOKINGovercooking v. Present participle of overcook.
OVERCOOK v. to cook too long.
OVERLOCKINGoverlocking v. Present participle of overlock.
OVERLOCKING n. oversewing a hem or fabric edge to prevent fraying.
OVERLOCKINGSOVERLOCKING n. oversewing a hem or fabric edge to prevent fraying.
OVERLOOKINGoverlooking v. Present participle of overlook.
OVERLOOK v. to fail to notice.
OVERRECKONINGoverreckoning v. Present participle of overreckon.
OVERRECKON v. to reckon too highly.
OVERSMOKINGoversmoking v. Present participle of oversmoke.
OVERSMOKE v. to smoke excessively.
OVERSOAKINGoversoaking v. Present participle of oversoak.
OVERSOAK v. to soak too much.
OVERSTOCKINGoverstocking n. A stocking intended to be worn over another stocking.
overstocking v. Present participle of overstock.
OVERSTOCK v. to stock in excess.
OVERWORKINGoverworking v. Present participle of overwork.
OVERWORK v. to cause to work too hard.
VIEWBOOKviewbook n. An illustrated promotional booklet for an academic institution.
VIEWBOOK n. a promotional booklet with pictures published by a college or university.
VIEWBOOKSviewbooks n. Plural of viewbook.
VIEWBOOK n. a promotional booklet with pictures published by a college or university.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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