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There are 14 words containing E, H, N, P, W and Y

HALFPENNYWORTHhalfpennyworth n. (Britain) As much as could be bought for a halfpenny (pre- or post-decimalisation).
halfpennyworth n. (Britain, informal) A negligible amount.
halfpennyworth n. (Britain, informal) One’s opinion or thoughts; one’s two cents.
HALFPENNYWORTHShalfpennyworths n. Plural of halfpennyworth.
HALFPENNYWORTH n. as much as is sold for a halfpenny or is worth a halfpenny.
HYPERAWARENESShyperawareness n. The state of being hyperaware, or extremely sensitive to stimuli.
HYPERAWARENESS n. the state of being hyperaware.
PENNYWEIGHTpennyweight n. A unit of mass equal to 24 grains, or 120 of a troy ounce.
PENNYWEIGHT n. an old unit of weight, the twentieth part of an ounce.
PENNYWEIGHTSpennyweights n. Plural of pennyweight.
PENNYWEIGHT n. an old unit of weight, the twentieth part of an ounce.
PENNYWHISTLEpennywhistle n. (Music) A six-holed flute-like instrument with a fipple. They have approximately a two octave range…
penny␣whistle n. A tin whistle.
PENNYWHISTLE n. a cheap toy whistle originally sold for a penny.
PENNYWHISTLESpennywhistles n. Plural of pennywhistle.
penny␣whistles n. Plural of penny whistle.
PENNYWHISTLE n. a cheap toy whistle originally sold for a penny.
PENNYWORTHpennyworth n. The amount that can be bought for a penny.
pennyworth n. A small value or quantity.
pennyworth n. (Dated) A good bargain.
PENNYWORTHSpennyworths n. Plural of pennyworth.
PENNYWORTH n. a penny's worth.
THREEPENNYWORTHthreepennyworth n. (Dated) A portion worth threepence.
THREEPENNYWORTH n. goods to the value of threepence, also THREEPENCEWORTH.
UNPATHWAYEDunpathwayed adj. Without a path.
UNPATHWAYED adj. without paths.
UNPRAISEWORTHYunpraiseworthy adj. Not praiseworthy.
UNPRAISEWORTHY adj. not praiseworthy.
WHIMPERINGLYwhimperingly adv. With a whimpering sound.
WHISPERINGLYwhisperingly adv. In a whispering manner; quietly.
WHISPERING adv. speaking softly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 238 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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