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There are 18 words containing E, H, L, M, O and V

OVERWHELMoverwhelm v. To engulf, surge over and submerge.
overwhelm v. To overpower, crush.
overwhelm v. To overpower emotionally.
BOLSHEVISMbolshevism n. Alternative letter-case form of Bolshevism.
Bolshevism n. The strategy used by the Bolsheviks in attempting to gain power in Russia.
Bolshevism n. The Communist political ideology adopted by the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the…
OVERWHELMSoverwhelms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overwhelm.
overwhelms n. Plural of overwhelm.
OVERWHELM v. to crush with something strong or heavy.
BOLSHEVISMSbolshevisms n. Plural of bolshevism.
Bolshevisms n. Plural of Bolshevism.
BOLSHEVISM n. being a bolshevik.
HYPOVOLEMIChypovolemic adj. Of, pertaining to hypovolemia, or characterized by low volume of blood in the circulatory system; as…
OVERWHELMEDoverwhelmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overwhelm.
OVERWHELM v. to crush with something strong or heavy.
TWELVEMONTHtwelvemonth n. (Dated) A year.
TWELVEMONTH n. a period of twelve months.
HYPOVOLAEMIChypovolaemic adj. Alternative form of hypovolemic.
OVERWHELMINGoverwhelming v. Present participle of overwhelm.
overwhelming adj. Overpowering, staggering, or irresistibly strong.
overwhelming adj. Very great or intense.
TWELVEMONTHStwelvemonths n. Plural of twelvemonth.
TWELVEMONTH n. a period of twelve months.
MISCHIEVOUSLYmischievously adv. In a mischievous manner.
MISCHIEVOUS adv. given to mischief.
OVEREMBELLISHoverembellish v. To embellish excessively.
OVEREMBELLISH v. to embellish to excess.
OVERWHELMINGSoverwhelmings n. Plural of overwhelming.
OVERWHELMING n. the act of inflicting a crushing defeat.
OVERWHELMINGLYoverwhelmingly adv. In an overwhelming manner; very greatly or intensely.
overwhelmingly adv. Mostly; predominantly; almost completely.
OVERWHELMING adv. crushing.
COMPREHENSIVELYcomprehensively adv. In a comprehensive manner; in an all-inclusive or wide-ranging fashion.
COMPREHENSIVE adv. covering completely or broadly.
OVEREMBELLISHEDoverembellished v. Simple past tense and past participle of overembellish.
OVEREMBELLISH v. to embellish to excess.
OVEREMBELLISHESoverembellishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overembellish.
OVEREMBELLISH v. to embellish to excess.
SERVOMECHANICALservomechanical adj. Of or relating to servomechanisms.
SERVOMECHANICAL adj. of or like a servomechanism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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