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There are 19 words containing E, F, L, 2S and X

DORSIFLEXESdorsiflexes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dorsiflex.
DORSIFLEX v. to bend towards the back or dorsal.
DORSIFLEXIONSdorsiflexions n. Plural of dorsiflexion.
DORSIFLEXION n. a bending backwards; a bending of the back.
EXSUFFLATESexsufflates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exsufflate.
EXSUFFLATE v. to blow away; to exorcise.
EXSUFFLATIONSexsufflations n. Plural of exsufflation.
EXSUFFLATION n. expiration; exorcism by blowing.
FIXTURELESSfixtureless adj. Without fixtures.
FIXTURELESS adj. without a fixture.
FLAXSEEDSflaxseeds n. Plural of flaxseed.
flax␣seeds n. Plural of flax seed.
FLAXSEED n. the seed of flax.
FLEXIBLENESSflexibleness n. The state or quality of being flexible.
FLEXIBLENESS n. the state of being flexible.
FLEXIBLENESSESFLEXIBLENESS n. the state of being flexible.
FLEXIONLESSflexionless adj. (Grammar, dated) inflectionless.
FLEXIONLESS adj. without flexion, also FLECTIONLESS.
FLEXITARIANISMSFLEXITARIANISM n. a semi-vegetarian diet involving the practice of eating mainly vegetarian food but making occasional exceptions for e.g. social reasons.
INFLEXIBLENESSinflexibleness n. The quality or state of being inflexible.
inflexibleness n. Obstinacy of will or temper; firmness of purpose that will not yield to importunity or persuasion; unbending…
INFLEXIBLENESS n. the state of being inflexible.
INFLEXIONLESSinflexionless adj. Without inflexion.
INFLEXIONLESS adj. without inflexion, also INFLECTIONLESS.
REFLEXIVENESSreflexiveness n. The state or quality of being reflexive.
REFLEXIVE n. indicating that the action turns back upon the subject; relating to a reflex.
REFLEXIVENESSESREFLEXIVENESS n. REFLEXIVE, indicating that the action turns back upon the subject; relating to a reflex.
REFLEXOLOGISTSreflexologists n. Plural of reflexologist.
REFLEXOLOGIST n. a specialist in reflexology.
SEXFOILSsexfoils n. Plural of sexfoil.
SEXFOIL n. an ornamental design having six leaves or petals radiating from a common centre.
SULFADOXINESSULFADOXINE n. a drug used to prevent and treat malaria, also SULPHADOXINE.
SULFOXIDESsulfoxides n. Plural of sulfoxide.
SULFOXIDE n. any of a class of carbon compounds featuring sulphur, also SULPHOXIDE.
SUPERFLUXESsuperfluxes n. Plural of superflux.
SUPERFLUX n. (Shakespeare) superfluity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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