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There are 20 words containing E, F, I, N and 2P

FIPPENCEfippence n. (Britain, informal, dated) fivepence.
FIPPENCE n. (colloquial) fivepence, a coin worth five pence.
FIPPENCESfippences n. Plural of fippence.
FIPPENCE n. (colloquial) fivepence, a coin worth five pence.
FLOPPINESSfloppiness n. The characteristic or quality of being floppy.
FLOPPINESS n. the state of being floppy.
PAPERKNIFEpaperknife n. A knife for cutting paper or opening envelopes.
paper-knife n. Alternative form of paperknife.
PAPERKNIFE n. a knife for cutting paper.
FLIPPANCIESflippancies n. Plural of flippancy.
FLIPPANCY n. the state of being flippant.
FOPPISHNESSfoppishness n. The characteristic or quality of being foppish.
FOPPISHNESS n. the state of being foppish.
PIPEFITTINGpipefitting n. The work of a pipefitter.
pipefitting n. A piece, such as a coupling, elbow, or valve, used for connecting lengths of pipe or as accessory to a pipe.
PIPEFITTING n. the occupation of fitting or repairing pipes.
FLIPPANTNESSflippantness n. The quality of being flippant.
FLIPPANTNESS n. the state of being flippant.
FLOPPINESSESFLOPPINESS n. the state of being floppy.
MINIFLOPPIESminifloppies n. Plural of minifloppy.
mini-floppies n. Plural of mini-floppy.
mini␣floppies n. Plural of mini floppy.
PIPEFITTINGSpipefittings n. Plural of pipefitting.
PIPEFITTING n. the occupation of fitting or repairing pipes.
BELLYFLOPPINGbellyflopping v. Present participle of bellyflop.
belly␣flopping v. Present participle of belly flop.
BELLYFLOP v. to perform a dive into water in which the body lands horizontally.
FOPPISHNESSESfoppishnesses n. Plural of foppishness.
FOPPISHNESS n. the state of being foppish.
PRESPECIFYINGprespecifying v. Present participle of prespecify.
PRESPECIFY v. to specify in advance.
FELLOWSHIPPINGfellowshipping v. Present participle of fellowship.
FELLOWSHIP v. to join in fellowship esp. with a church member.
FIBRINOPEPTIDEfibrinopeptide n. (Biochemistry) A polypeptide fragment, cleaved from fibrinogen by thrombin, that combines to form fibrin…
FIBRINOPEPTIDE n. any of the vertebrate polypeptides that are cleaved from fibrinogen by thrombin during clot formation.
FIELDSTRIPPINGfieldstripping v. Present participle of fieldstrip.
field␣stripping v. Present participle of field strip.
FIELDSTRIP v. to take apart a weapon for routine cleaning etc.
FLIPPANTNESSESFLIPPANTNESS n. the state of being flippant.
FIBRINOPEPTIDESfibrinopeptides n. Plural of fibrinopeptide.
FIBRINOPEPTIDE n. any of the vertebrate polypeptides that are cleaved from fibrinogen by thrombin during clot formation.
PREPROFESSIONALpreprofessional adj. Prior to starting a profession.
preprofessional n. One who is working towards becoming a professional.
PREPROFESSIONAL adj. of or relating to the period preceding specific study for or practice of a profession.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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