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There are 15 words containing E, F, G, 2T and Y

FORGETTERYforgettery n. (Humorous) A poor memory that is inclined to forget things.
FORGETTERY n. (colloquial) a capacity for forgetting.
TESTIFYINGtestifying v. Present participle of testify.
TESTIFY v. to bear witness.
BEFITTINGLYbefittingly adv. In a befitting manner.
BEFITTING adv. BEFIT, to be suitable for.
PRETTIFYINGprettifying v. Present participle of prettify.
PRETTIFY v. to make attractive.
SPAGHETTIFYspaghettify v. (Astrophysics) To stretch an object into a long thin shape under the influence of a very strong gravitational…
SPAGHETTIFY v. to make into spaghetti, with particular reference to black holes.
BUTTERFLYINGbutterflying v. Present participle of butterfly.
BUTTERFLY v. to split almost entirely and spread apart e.g. a steak.
FLATTERINGLYflatteringly adv. In a flattering manner.
FLATTERING adv. FLATTER, to praise excessively.
FLUTTERINGLYflutteringly adv. In a fluttering manner.
FORGETTINGLYforgettingly adv. So as to forget.
PETTIFOGGERYpettifoggery n. The actions of a pettifogger; a trivial quarrel.
PETTIFOGGERY n. dealing with trivial law cases.
RETESTIFYINGretestifying v. Present participle of retestify.
RETESTIFY v. to testify again.
UNFORGETTABLYunforgettably adv. In an unforgettable manner; very memorably.
UNFORGETTABLE adv. incapable of being forgotten.
SPAGHETTIFYINGspaghettifying v. Present participle of spaghettify.
SPAGHETTIFY v. to make into spaghetti, with particular reference to black holes.
UNFLATTERINGLYunflatteringly adv. In such a manner as to be unflattering.
UNFLATTERING adv. not flattering.
PHYTOFLAGELLATEphytoflagellate n. Any dinoflagellate of the class Phytomastigophorea.
PHYTOFLAGELLATE n. any of various organisms (as dinoflagellates) that have many characteristics in common with typical algae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 334 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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