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There are 19 words containing 2E, P, T and 2V

PREVENTIVEpreventive adj. Preventing, hindering, or acting as an obstacle to.
preventive adj. Carried out to deter military aggression.
preventive adj. Slowing the development of an illness; prophylactic.
DEPRIVATIVEdeprivative adj. Depriving.
DEPRIVATIVE adj. serving to deprive.
EVAPORATIVEevaporative adj. Of, pertaining to, producing, or produced by evaporation.
EVAPORATIVE adj. serving to evaporate.
PREVENTIVESpreventives n. Plural of preventive.
PREVENTIVE n. something that prevents.
PRESERVATIVEpreservative n. (Countable) Any agent, natural or artificial that acts to preserve, especially when added to food.
preservative adj. Tending to preserve.
PRESERVATIVE adj. serving to preserve.
PREVENTATIVEpreventative adj. Alternative form of preventive.
preventative n. Alternative form of preventive.
PREVENTATIVE adj. acting to prevent, also PREVENTIVE.
PREVENTIVELYpreventively adv. In a preventive way.
PREVENTIVE adv. serving to prevent, also PREVENTATIVE.
VITUPERATIVEvituperative adj. Marked by harsh, spoken, or written abuse; abusive, often with ranting or railing.
VITUPERATIVE adj. uttering or given to censure, also VITUPERATORY.
PERSEVERATIVEperseverative adj. Of or pertaining to perseveration.
PERSEVERATIVE adj. relating to perseveration.
PRESERVATIVESpreservatives n. Plural of preservative.
PRESERVATIVE n. something that preserves or has the power of preserving.
PREVENTATIVESpreventatives n. Plural of preventative.
PREVENTATIVE n. something intended to prevent.
VIVISEPULTUREvivisepulture n. The practice of burying someone alive.
VIVISEPULTURE n. the practice of burying people alive.
OVERPROTECTIVEoverprotective adj. Excessively protective, wanting to give too much protection (especially to children).
OVERPROTECT adj. to protect to excess.
PREVENTIVENESSpreventiveness n. The quality of being preventive.
PREVENTIVE n. serving to prevent, also PREVENTATIVE.
VITUPERATIVELYvituperatively adv. In a vituperative manner.
VITUPERATIVE adv. uttering or given to censure, also VITUPERATORY.
VIVISEPULTURESVIVISEPULTURE n. the practice of burying people alive.
CHEMOPREVENTIVEchemopreventive adj. Of, or relating to chemoprevention.
chemopreventive n. A food supplement etc used for chemoprevention.
OVERDEVELOPMENToverdevelopment n. Excessive development; the state or quality of being overdeveloped.
OVERDEVELOPMENT n. excessive development.
PROVOCATIVENESSprovocativeness n. The quality of being provocative; provocative behaviour.
PROVOCATIVENESS n. the state of being provocative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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