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There are 18 words containing 2E, K, R, U and W

UNWREAKEDunwreaked adj. (Obsolete) Not wreaked.
UNWREAKED adj. not wreaked.
WATERQUAKEwaterquake n. An earthquake that happens underwater, usually in an ocean or lake.
WATERQUAKE n. a seismic disturbance affecting the sea.
CHEQUERWORKchequerwork n. Alternative form of checkerwork.
CHEQUERWORK n. any pattern having alternating squares of different colours.
HOUSEWORKERhouseworker n. One who does the housework; a homemaker.
HOUSEWORKER n. one who does housework.
UNDERWORKEDunderworked adj. Ineffectively or inadequately utilized.
UNDERWORK v. to work insufficiently hard.
UNDERWORKERunderworker n. An inferior or subordinate workman.
underworker n. One who underworks.
UNDERWORKER n. a subordinate worker.
WATERQUAKESwaterquakes n. Plural of waterquake.
WATERQUAKE n. a seismic disturbance affecting the sea.
CHEQUERWORKSchequerworks n. Plural of chequerwork.
CHEQUERWORK n. any pattern having alternating squares of different colours.
HOUSEWORKERShouseworkers n. Plural of houseworker.
HOUSEWORKER n. one who does housework.
LUKEWARMNESSlukewarmness n. The property of being lukewarm; ambivalence, weakness.
LUKEWARMNESS n. the state of being lukewarm.
SUBNETWORKEDSUBNETWORK v. to use a subnetwork.
UNDERWORKERSunderworkers n. Plural of underworker.
UNDERWORKER n. a subordinate worker.
WUNDERKINDERwunderkinder n. Plural of wunderkind.
Wunderkinder n. Plural of Wunderkind.
Wünderkinder n. Plural of Wünderkind.
COUNTERWORKEDcounterworked v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterwork.
COUNTERWORK v. to work in opposition to.
COUNTERWORKERcounterworker n. (Rare) One who works at a counter.
counterworker n. (Rare) One who works against something; a saboteur.
COUNTERWORKER n. one who does counterwork.
COUNTERWORKERScounterworkers n. Plural of counterworker.
COUNTERWORKER n. one who does counterwork.
LUKEWARMNESSESlukewarmnesses n. Plural of lukewarmness.
LUKEWARMNESS n. the state of being lukewarm.
UNFOREKNOWABLEunforeknowable adj. Not foreknowable.
UNFOREKNOWABLE adj. not foreknowable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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