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There are 18 words containing 2E, J, 2N and V

CONJUNCTIVENESSconjunctiveness n. Synonym of conjunctivity.
CONJUNCTIVENESS n. the state of being conjunctive.
JUVENESCENCEjuvenescence n. The state of becoming young or juvenile.
JUVENESCENCE n. the state of growing young.
JUVENESCENCESJUVENESCENCE n. the state of growing young.
JUVENESCENTjuvenescent adj. Becoming juvenile or young.
JUVENESCENT adj. becoming youthful.
JUVENILENESSjuvenileness n. Juvenility.
JUVENILENESS n. the state of being juvenile.
JUVENILENESSESJUVENILENESS n. the state of being juvenile.
NONOBJECTIVEnonobjective n. With respect to an assignment or mission, something that is not an objective or goal.
nonobjective adj. Not objective; biased.
NONOBJECTIVE adj. not objective.
NONOBJECTIVESnonobjectives n. Plural of nonobjective.
NONSUBJECTIVEnonsubjective adj. Not subjective.
NONSUBJECTIVE adj. not subjective.
REJUVENATINGrejuvenating v. Present participle of rejuvenate.
REJUVENATE v. to make young again.
REJUVENATIONrejuvenation n. The process of rendering young again.
rejuvenation n. The process of producing beneficial changes.
REJUVENATION n. the act of making young again.
REJUVENATIONSrejuvenations n. Plural of rejuvenation.
REJUVENATION n. the act of making young again.
REJUVENESCENCErejuvenescence n. A renewal of youthful characteristics or vitality.
rejuvenescence n. (Botany) The escape of the protoplasm of a cell and its conversion into a cell of a different character…
REJUVENESCENCE n. a renewal of youthfulness or vigor.
REJUVENESCENCESrejuvenescences n. Plural of rejuvenescence.
REJUVENESCENCE n. a renewal of youthfulness or vigor.
REJUVENESCENTrejuvenescent adj. Becoming, or causing to become, rejuvenated.
REJUVENESCENT adj. effecting rejuvenescence.
REJUVENESCINGrejuvenescing v. Present participle of rejuvenesce.
REJUVENESCE v. to make young again.
REJUVENISINGrejuvenising v. Present participle of rejuvenise.
REJUVENISE v. to rejuvenate, also REJUVENIZE.
REJUVENIZINGrejuvenizing v. Present participle of rejuvenize.
REJUVENIZE v. to rejuvenate, also REJUVENISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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