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There are 20 words containing 2E, I, J, P and T

JOSEPHINITEjosephinite n. (Mineralogy) awaruite.
JOSEPHINITE n. a mineral found only at Jospehine Creek in Oregon.
JOSEPHINITESJOSEPHINITE n. a mineral found only at Jospehine Creek in Oregon.
PEJORATIVEpejorative adj. Disparaging, belittling or derogatory.
pejorative n. A disparaging, belittling, or derogatory word or expression.
PEJORATIVE adj. implying or imputing evil.
PEJORATIVELYpejoratively adv. In a pejorative manner. Insultingly, disparagingly; so as to belittle another or harm their reputation.
PEJORATIVE adv. implying or imputing evil.
PEJORATIVESpejoratives n. Plural of pejorative.
PEJORATIVE n. an expression implying or imputing evil.
PERJINKETYPERJINKETY adj. (Scots) prim, finical, also PERJINK, PREJINK.
PREJUDICATEprejudicate adj. (Obsolete) Prejudiced, biased.
prejudicate adj. Preconceived (Of an opinion, idea etc.); formed before the event.
prejudicate v. (Transitive, intransitive, now rare) To determine beforehand, especially rashly; to prejudge.
PREJUDICATEDprejudicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of prejudicate.
PREJUDICATE v. (obsolete) to spoil, prejudice.
PREJUDICATESprejudicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prejudicate.
PREJUDICATE v. (obsolete) to spoil, prejudice.
PREJUDICATIVEprejudicative adj. Forming a judgment without due examination; prejudging.
PREJUDICATIVE adj. prejudging.
PROJECTILEprojectile n. An object intended to be or having been fired from a weapon.
projectile n. (Physics) any object propelled through space by the application of a force.
projectile adj. Projecting or impelling forward.
PROJECTILESprojectiles n. Plural of projectile.
PROJECTILE n. a body projected by external force and continuing in motion by its own inertia.
PROJECTIVEprojective adj. Projecting outward.
projective adj. Of, relating to, or caused by a projection.
projective adj. (Mathematics) describing those properties of a figure that are invariant upon projection.
PROJECTIVELYprojectively adv. In a projective way.
PROJECTIVE adv. projecting; of projection.
PROJECTIVITIESprojectivities n. Plural of projectivity.
PROJECTIVITY n. the state of being projective.
SERJEANTSHIPserjeantship n. Obsolete form of sergeantship.
SERJEANTSHIP n. the office of serjeant.
SERJEANTSHIPSserjeantships n. Plural of serjeantship.
SERJEANTSHIP n. the office of serjeant.
SUPERMAJORITIESsupermajorities n. Plural of supermajority.
super-majorities n. Plural of super-majority.
SUPERMAJORITY n. a majority (as two-thirds or three-fifths) greater than a simple majority.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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