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There are 19 words containing 2E, H, K, S and V

KHEDIVESkhedives n. Plural of khedive.
KHEDIVE n. a Turkish viceroy.
KVETCHESkvetches n. Plural of kvetch.
kvetches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kvetch.
KVETCH v. (Yiddish) to complain habitually, to gripe.
KVETCHERSkvetchers n. Plural of kvetcher.
KVETCHER n. (Yiddish) a whiner, complainer.
KERCHIEVESkerchieves n. Plural of kerchief.
KERCHIEF n. a cloth or scarf used to cover the head, esp. by a woman.
KHEDIVATESkhedivates n. Plural of khedivate.
KHEDIVATE n. the office of khedive, the Viceroy of Egypt, also KHEDIVIATE.
KVETCHIESTkvetchiest adj. Superlative form of kvetchy: most kvetchy.
KVETCHY adj. (Yiddish) habitually complaining.
OVERCHECKSoverchecks n. Plural of overcheck.
overchecks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcheck.
OVERCHECK n. a large prominent check pattern overlaid with a smaller.
SPOKESHAVEspokeshave n. A woodworking tool used to shape and smooth rods and shafts - often for use as wheel spokes, chair legs, or arrows.
spokeshave v. (Transitive) To shape or smooth with a spokeshave.
spoke-shave n. Alternative spelling of spokeshave.
BOOKSHELVESbookshelves n. Plural of bookshelf.
BOOKSHELF n. a shelf for books.
HERRENVOLKSherrenvolks n. Plural of herrenvolk.
HERRENVOLK n. (German) a master race, a race believing themselves to be fitted to rule the world.
KHEDIVIATESKHEDIVIATE n. the office of khedive, the Viceroy of Egypt, also KHEDIVATE.
KVETCHINESSKVETCHINESS n. the state of being kvetchy.
SPOKESHAVESspokeshaves n. Plural of spokeshave.
spoke-shaves n. Plural of spoke-shave.
SPOKESHAVE n. a plane or knife used to round spokes.
THICKLEAVESTHICKLEAF n. any of various succulent plants of the genus Crassula.
OVERTHINKERSoverthinkers n. Plural of overthinker.
KNAVISHNESSESKNAVISHNESS n. the quality of being knavish.
KVETCHINESSESKVETCHINESS n. the state of being kvetchy.
NECKERCHIEVESneckerchieves n. Plural of neckerchief.
NECKERCHIEF n. an ornamental cloth, a kerchief for the neck.
HANDKERCHIEVEShandkerchieves n. Plural of handkerchief.
HANDKERCHIEF n. a small usually square piece of cloth used for usually personal purposes (as blowing the nose) or as a clothing accessory, also HANDKERCHER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 303 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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