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There are 17 words containing 2E, G, M, U and Z

DIEZEUGMENONdiezeugmenon n. (Music) The last tetrachord, in the case where two tetrachords were placed separately from each other…
DIEZEUGMENON n. a term in Greek prosody.
DIEZEUGMENONSDIEZEUGMENON n. a term in Greek prosody.
EMPYREUMATIZINGempyreumatizing v. Present participle of empyreumatize.
EMPYREUMATIZE v. to render empyreumatic, also EMPYREUMATISE.
EUHEMERIZINGeuhemerizing v. Present participle of euhemerize.
EUHEMERIZE v. to give a historical explanation for a myth, also EUHEMERISE.
EUPHEMIZINGeuphemizing v. Present participle of euphemize.
EUPHEMIZE v. to speak or write (of) euphemistically, also EUPHEMISE.
GEWURZTRAMINERGewürztraminer n. (Uncountable) An aromatic white wine grape variety that grows best in cooler climates.
Gewürztraminer n. (Countable) A wine made from this grape.
GEWURZTRAMINER n. (German) a variety of Traminer grape grown esp. in the Rhine valley, Alsace, and Austria; the mildly spicy white wine made from this grape.
GEWURZTRAMINERSGewürztraminers n. Plural of Gewürztraminer.
GEWURZTRAMINER n. (German) a variety of Traminer grape grown esp. in the Rhine valley, Alsace, and Austria; the mildly spicy white wine made from this grape.
MANGELWURZELmangelwurzel n. A root vegetable, variety of Beta vulgaris, cultivated chiefly as cattle feed.
mangel-wurzel n. Alternative spelling of mangelwurzel.
MANGELWURZEL n. a kind of root vegetable, also MANGOLDWURZEL.
MANGELWURZELSmangelwurzels n. Plural of mangelwurzel.
mangel-wurzels n. Plural of mangel-wurzel.
MANGELWURZEL n. a kind of root vegetable, also MANGOLDWURZEL.
MERGUEZmerguez n. A red, spicy sausage from North Africa, made with lamb or beef.
MERGUEZ n. (Arabic) a spicy North African sausage.
MUTAGENIZEmutagenize v. (Genetics) To cause mutation.
MUTAGENIZE v. to treat with mutagens, also MUTAGENISE.
MUTAGENIZEDmutagenized v. Simple past tense and past participle of mutagenize.
mutagenized adj. Mutated under the influence of a mutagen.
MUTAGENIZE v. to treat with mutagens, also MUTAGENISE.
MUTAGENIZESmutagenizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mutagenize.
MUTAGENIZE v. to treat with mutagens, also MUTAGENISE.
OVERGLAMOURIZESorry, definition not available.
OVERGLAMOURIZEDSorry, definition not available.
OVERGLAMOURIZESSorry, definition not available.
UNHOMOGENIZEDunhomogenized adj. Not homogenized.
UNHOMOGENIZED adj. not homogenized, also UNHOMOGENISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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