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There are 16 words containing 3E, H, Q and T

BEQUEATHABLEbequeathable adj. Capable of being bequeathed.
BEQUEATHABLE adj. capable of being bequeathed.
BEQUEATHEDbequeathed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bequeath.
BEQUEATH v. to leave by will.
BEQUEATHERbequeather n. One who bequeaths.
BEQUEATHER n. one who bequeaths.
BEQUEATHERSbequeathers n. Plural of bequeather.
BEQUEATHER n. one who bequeaths.
BEQUEATHMENTbequeathment n. The act of bequeathing, or the state of being bequeathed; a bequest.
BEQUEATHMENT n. the act of bequeathing.
BEQUEATHMENTSbequeathments n. Plural of bequeathment.
BEQUEATHMENT n. the act of bequeathing.
CINEMATHEQUEcinematheque n. A film archive with small cinemas, screening classic and art-house films.
CINEMATHEQUE n. a small movie theater showing classic or avant-garde films.
CINEMATHEQUEScinematheques n. Plural of cinematheque.
CINEMATHEQUE n. a small movie theater showing classic or avant-garde films.
HEADQUARTEREDheadquartered v. Simple past tense and past participle of headquarter.
headquartered adj. If an organization is headquartered somewhere, it has its headquarters in that place.
HEADQUARTER v. to make one's headquarters.
QUEECHIESTQUEECHY adj. forming a thicket; boggy, also QUEACHY.
THREEQUELthreequel n. (Narratology) The chronologically third part of any series of works, especially a movie trilogy.
THREEQUEL n. a film, play, book etc. that is a sequel to a first sequel.
THREEQUELSthreequels n. Plural of threequel.
THREEQUEL n. a film, play, book etc. that is a sequel to a first sequel.
VIDEOTHEQUEVIDEOTHEQUE n. a cinema in which videos are shown.
VIDEOTHEQUESVIDEOTHEQUE n. a cinema in which videos are shown.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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