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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, O, P, S and 2U

BEAUCOUPSbeaucoups n. Plural of beaucoup.
BEAUCOUP n. a great amount.
EUROPIUMSEUROPIUM n. a rare earth metallic element.
EUTROPOUSEUTROPOUS adj. according to eutropy, turning sunwise.
IMPETUOUSimpetuous adj. Making arbitrary decisions, especially in an impulsive and forceful manner.
impetuous adj. Characterized by sudden violence or vehemence.
IMPETUOUS adj. tending to act in a rash or impulsive manner.
OPUSCULESopuscules n. Plural of opuscule.
OPUSCULE n. a short work, also OPUSCLE, OPUSCULUM.
OUTPURSUEOUTPURSUE v. to pursue further than.
OUTPUSHEDoutpushed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outpush.
OUTPUSH v. to surpass in pushing.
OUTPUSHESoutpushes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outpush.
OUTPUSH v. to surpass in pushing.
PECUNIOUSpecunious adj. With money, wealthy; financially independent.
pecunious adj. (Figuratively) rich (Of quality, etc.).
PECUNIOUS adj. having a lot of money.
PENDULOUSpendulous adj. Hanging from, or as if from, a support.
pendulous adj. Indecisive or hesitant.
pendulous adj. (Biology) having branches etc. that bend downwards; drooping or weeping.
PENURIOUSpenurious adj. Miserly; excessively cheap.
penurious adj. Not bountiful; thin; scant.
penurious adj. Impoverished; wanting for money.
PERJUROUSperjurous adj. Alternative form of perjurious.
PERJUROUS adj. (archaic) guilty of perjury, also PERJURIOUS.
PLUMBEOUSplumbeous adj. Consisting of, or resembling, lead.
plumbeous adj. (Rare) Dull; heavy; stupid.
PLUMBEOUS adj. leaden; lead-coloured.
PLUMULOSEplumulose adj. Having hairs branching out laterally, like the parts of a feather.
PLUMULOSE adj. having hairs branching out laterally, like the parts of a feather.
PUDENDOUSpudendous adj. Relating to the pudenda.
PUDENDOUS adj. (obsolete) shameful.
PULVEROUSpulverous adj. Resembling or consisting of dust or powder.
PULVEROUS adj. dusty or powder.
PUMICEOUSpumiceous adj. Of or pertaining to pumice; resembling pumice.
PUMICEOUS adj. of or pertaining to pumice.
PUMPHOUSEpumphouse n. A building containing pumping equipment; thus…
pump␣house n. Alternative form of pumphouse.
PUMPHOUSE n. a building in which are housed pumps that supply e.g. an irrigation system.
UNCOUPLESuncouples v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncouple.
UNCOUPLE v. to disconnect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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