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There are 13 nine-letter words containing E, N, 2O, P and U

EPIGONOUSepigonous adj. Following and modelling after another thing.
EPIGONOUS adj. relating to a follower or inferior imitator.
EPONYMOUSeponymous adj. Of, relating to, or being the person or entity after which someone or something is named; serving as an eponym.
eponymous adj. Of a thing: named after a person or entity.
EPONYMOUS adj. of, relating to, or being the person for whom something is believed to be named, also EPONYMIC.
IONOPAUSEionopause n. The boundary layer of the ionosphere, where it meets the mesosphere or exosphere.
IONOPAUSE n. the region of the earth's atmosphere at the outer limit of the ionosphere.
MONOPULSEmonopulse adj. Being a radar system that compares the received signal from a single radar pulse against itself in order…
MONOPULSE n. a type of radar system used in gun control.
OPPORTUNEopportune adj. Suitable for some particular purpose.
opportune adj. At a convenient or advantageous time.
OPPORTUNE adj. happening at the right time.
OUTSPOKENoutspoken adj. Speaking, or spoken, freely, openly, or boldly; vocal; frank.
outspoken v. Past participle of outspeak.
OUTSPOKEN adj. frank, speaking one's mind.
PONDEROUSponderous adj. Heavy, massive, weighty.
ponderous adj. (Figuratively, by extension) Serious, onerous, oppressive.
ponderous adj. Clumsy, unwieldy, or slow, especially due to weight.
PRONOUNCEpronounce v. (Transitive) To declare formally, officially or ceremoniously.
pronounce v. (Transitive) To declare authoritatively, or as a formal expert opinion.
pronounce v. (Intransitive) To pass judgment.
SPONGEOUSspongeous adj. Alternative form of spongious.
SPONGEOUS adj. somewhat spongy; spongelike, also SPONGIOSE, SPONGIOUS.
SUPERMOONsupermoon n. (Astrology, astronomy) A full moon or new moon, when the Earth–Moon distance is in the lowest tenth of its range.
Supermoon n. (Astrology, astronomy) Alternative form of supermoon.
SuperMoon n. (Astrology) Alternative form of supermoon.
UNOPPOSEDunopposed adj. With no or little opposition.
unopposed adj. Without an opponent.
UNOPPOSED adj. not opposed.
UNPROVOKEunprovoke v. To undo or counter a provocation.
UNPROVOKE v. (Shakespeare) to counteract the provocation of.
UNSPOOLEDunspooled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unspool.
unspooled adj. Not spooled.
UNSPOOL v. to unwind from a small cylinder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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