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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, 3N, R and U

ANNOUNCERannouncer n. One who makes announcements.
ANNOUNCER n. one who announces.
CUNNINGERcunninger adj. Comparative form of cunning: more cunning.
CUNNING adj. crafty.
GUNRUNNERgunrunner n. A person who smuggles arms and ammunition.
GUNRUNNER n. one who smuggles guns.
INURNMENTinurnment n. The act of placing something in an urn.
INURNMENT n. the act of inurning, putting into an urn.
NONHUNTERnonhunter n. A person who does not hunt; one who is not a hunter.
NONHUNTER n. one who does not hunt.
NONNEURALnonneural adj. Not neural.
NONNEURAL adj. not neural.
NONRETURNnonreturn n. Absence of return; failure to come back or bring back.
non-return adj. (Of a valve) allowing air or liquid to travel in one direction only, and not permitting its return.
NONRETURN adj. denoting a mechanism that permits flow in a pipe in one direction only.
NONRUNNERnonrunner n. Alternative spelling of non-runner.
non-runner n. One who does not take part in the physical activity of running.
non-runner n. A racehorse that is withdrawn before the start of a race.
NONURGENTnonurgent adj. Not urgent.
NONURGENT adj. not urgent.
NUNNERIESnunneries n. Plural of nunnery.
NUNNERY n. a religious house for nuns.
RERUNNINGrerunning v. Present participle of rerun.
re-running v. Present participle of re-run.
RERUN v. to show a repetition of a recorded performance.
RUNNINESSrunniness n. The state or characteristic of being runny or free-flowing.
RUNNINESS n. the state of being runny.
UNCANNIERuncannier adj. Comparative form of uncanny: more uncanny.
UNCANNY adj. strange and inexplicable.
UNCONCERNunconcern n. Lack of interest or care; indifference or apathy.
unconcern n. Freedom from worry or apprehensiveness; insouciance or nonchalance.
UNCONCERN n. lack of concern.
UNFUNNIERunfunnier adj. Comparative form of unfunny: more unfunny.
UNFUNNY adj. not funny.
UNNERVINGunnerving v. Present participle of unnerve.
UNNERVE v. to deprive of courage.
UNREININGunreining v. Present participle of unrein.
UNREIN v. to give rein to.
UNSUNNIERUNSUNNY adj. not sunny.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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