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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing E, M, 2N, O and P

COMPONENTcomponent n. A smaller, self-contained part of a larger entity. Often refers to a manufactured object that is part…
component adj. Making up a larger whole; as a component word.
component adj. Made up of smaller complete units in combination; as a component stereo.
IMPONENTSimponents n. Plural of imponent.
IMPONENT n. someone who imposes an obligation.
MONOPLANEmonoplane adj. Composed of, or relating to, a single plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions).
monoplane n. (Aviation) An airplane that has a single pair of wings.
monoplane v. (Rare) To fly in a monoplane.
NONEXEMPTnonexempt adj. Not exempt.
nonexempt adj. (Law) Subject to taxation; not within any category of income to which taxes are not applied.
nonexempt n. One who is not exempt.
PENNIFORMpenniform adj. Feather-shaped.
penniform n. (Archaeology) A symbol that is shaped like a feather.
PENNIFORM adj. feather-shaped.
PENSTEMONpenstemon n. (Botany) Any of the genus Penstemon, the beardtongues.
Penstemon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plantaginaceae – the beardtongues, native to east Asia and North America.
PENSTEMON n. a genus of showy flowers, also PENTSTEMON.
PHENOMENAphenomena n. Plural of phenomenon.
PHENOMENA n. anything directly apprehended by the senses or one of them.
PIMENTONSPIMENTON n. smoked chilli powder.
PNEUMONIApneumonia n. An acute or chronic inflammation of the lungs caused by viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms, or…
PNEUMONIA n. a disease of the lungs.
PNEUMONICpneumonic adj. Of, or relating to the lungs; pulmonary.
pneumonic adj. Of, or relating to pneumonia.
pneumonic n. One who has pneumonia.
POINTSMENpointsmen n. Plural of pointsman.
POINTSMAN n. a man who has charge of railroad points or switches.
PRAENOMENpraenomen n. (Historical) An ancient Roman first name.
praenomen n. (Historical) The throne name of a pharaoh, the fourth of the five names of the royal titulary, traditionally…
praenomen n. (Zoology) The genus name put before the species name.
PRENOMENSprenomens n. Plural of prenomen.
PRENOMEN n. (Latin) the first name of an ancient Roman, also PRAENOMEN.
PRENOMINAprenomina n. Plural of prenomen.
PRENOMEN n. (Latin) the first name of an ancient Roman, also PRAENOMEN.
PROMINENTprominent adj. Standing out, or projecting; jutting; protuberant.
prominent adj. Likely to attract attention from its size or position; conspicuous.
prominent adj. Eminent; distinguished above others.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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