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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, 2M, R, T and U

COMBRETUMcombretum n. Any of a number of tropical trees and shrubs in the genus Combretum.
Combretum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Combretaceae – the bushwillows.
COMBRETUM n. (Latin) a member of a genus of tropical trees known for the beauty of their flowers.
COMMUTERScommuters n. Plural of commuter.
COMMUTER n. one who commutes; esp. one who commutes in traveling.
CRUMMIESTcrummiest adj. Superlative form of crummy: most crummy.
CRUMMY adj. mean, despicable, also CRUMMIE.
EXTREMUMSextremums n. Plural of extremum.
EXTREMUM n. (Latin) a maximum or minimum of a mathematical function.
GRUMMETEDGRUMMET v. to fit with grummets, also GROMMET, GROMET.
IMMATURERimmaturer adj. Comparative form of immature: more immature.
IMMATURE adj. not mature.
IMMATURESimmatures n. Plural of immature.
IMMATURE n. an immature animal.
IMMIXTUREimmixture n. The act, or the result of immixing.
IMMIXTURE n. freedom from mixture; purity.
MENSTRUUMmenstruum n. (Chiefly in the plural, historical) The menses; menstrual discharge.
menstruum n. (Historical) A solvent.
menstruum n. Any liquid medium.
MULTIGERMmultigerm adj. Comprising more than one germ (reproductive part of a cereal plant).
multigerm n. (Mathematics) A set of germs of a function that have distinct sources and a common target.
MULTIGERM adj. producing or being a fruit cluster capable of giving rise to several plants.
PRESUMMITpresummit adj. Before a summit.
PRESUMMIT adj. preceding a (political) summit.
PRESUMMIT n. a meeting held prior to a summit.
SARMENTUMsarmentum n. (Botany) A runner.
SARMENTUM n. (Latin) a long whiplike runner, leafless except at the tip, also SARMENT.
STRUMMELSSTRUMMEL n. (obsolete) a straw; hence, hair, also STRAMMEL.
STRUMMERSstrummers n. Plural of strummer.
STRUMMER n. one who strums.
SUMMERSETsummerset n. Archaic spelling of somersault.
summerset v. Archaic spelling of somersault.
SUMMERSET n. a leap in which a person turns his heels over his head and lights upon his feet.
SUMMITEERsummiteer n. Someone who reaches a summit.
summiteer n. A mountain climber.
summiteer n. Someone who attends a conference denoted as a summit.
THRUMMERSthrummers n. Plural of thrummer.
THRUMMER n. one that thrums, strums rhythmically and monotonously.
THRUMMIERTHRUMMY adj. made of or like thrums, that is, ends of the warp threads in a loom, left unwoven and remaining attached to the loom when the web is cut off.
TORMENTUMtormentum n. (Historical) An ancient engine for hurling missiles.
TORMENTUM n. (Latin) a missile hurler.
UNTRIMMEDuntrimmed adj. Not trimmed; not made tidy by cutting.
untrimmed adj. Not adorned with trimmings.
UNTRIM v. to strip of trimming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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