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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, 2M, O, T and U

COMBRETUMcombretum n. Any of a number of tropical trees and shrubs in the genus Combretum.
Combretum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Combretaceae – the bushwillows.
COMBRETUM n. (Latin) a member of a genus of tropical trees known for the beauty of their flowers.
COMMINUTEcomminute v. (Transitive) To pulverize; to smash.
comminute v. (Medicine) To cause fragmentation (of bone).
comminute v. (Transitive) To break into smaller portions.
COMMUTATEcommutate v. (Transitive, electronics) To reverse the direction of (a current).
commutate v. (Transitive, electronics) To convert from being or using an alternating current into being or using a direct current.
commutate v. (Intransitive, mathematics) To commute; to be invariant under a reversal of the positions of operands.
COMMUTERScommuters n. Plural of commuter.
COMMUTER n. one who commutes; esp. one who commutes in traveling.
EMOLUMENTemolument n. (Formal) Payment for employment or an office; compensation for a job, which is usually monetary.
EMOLUMENT n. payment; profit arising from employment.
IMPOSTUMEimpostume n. (Obsolete) An abscess.
impostume v. (Obsolete) Alternative form of imposthume.
IMPOSTUME n. (archaic) an abscess, also IMPOSTHUME.
LOMENTUMSlomentums n. Plural of lomentum.
LOMENTUM n. (Latin) a type of plant pod, also LOMENT.
MOMENTOUSmomentous adj. Outstanding in importance, of great consequence.
MOMENTOUS adj. of great consequence.
MOMENTUMSmomentums n. Plural of momentum.
MOMENTUM n. (Latin) force of movement.
MONUMENTSmonuments n. Plural of monument.
MONUMENT v. to mark with a monument.
MOUSEMATSmousemats n. Plural of mousemat.
mouse␣mats n. Plural of mouse mat.
MOUSEMAT n. a piece of material on which a computer mouse is moved, also MOUSEPAD.
MULTIMODEmultimode adj. Having, or employing multiple modes.
multimode n. A simultaneous superposition of modes.
MULTIMODE n. an SLR camera or its light meter with more than one way of setting the exposure.
OUTSUMMEDoutsummed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsum.
OUTSUM v. to outnumber.
POMATUMEDpomatumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pomatum.
POMATUM v. to apply a kind of ointment to the hair, also POMADE.
STOMODEUMstomodeum n. (Anatomy) A depression on the ectoderm of a developing embryo that becomes the mouth.
STOMODEUM n. an embryonic oral cavity.
TORMENTUMtormentum n. (Historical) An ancient engine for hurling missiles.
TORMENTUM n. (Latin) a missile hurler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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