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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, 2M, 2O and T

AMMOCOETEammocoete n. (Zoology) A larva of a lamprey.
AMMOCOETE n. the larva of a lamprey, also AMMOCETE.
COMMENTORcommentor n. Alternative form of commenter.
COMMENTOR n. one who comments, also COMMENTER.
COMMONESTcommonest adj. Superlative form of common: most common.
COMMON adj. ordinary.
DOTCOMMERdotcommer n. Alternative form of dot-commer.
dot-commer n. (Computing) Someone who works (or worked) for a dotcom company.
DOTCOMMER n. a person who carries out business on the Internet.
HARMOTOMEharmotome n. (Mineralogy) A rare zeolite, a hydrated barium silicate that forms vitreous white monoclinic crystals.
HARMOTOME n. a zeolite, a hydrated silicate of aluminium and barium.
METRONOMEmetronome n. (Music) A device, containing an inverted pendulum, used to mark time by means of regular ticks at adjustable…
METRONOME n. a mechanical device which indicates the exact tempo of a piece of music by producing a clicking sound from a pendulum with an adjustable period of swing.
MICROTOMEmicrotome n. A special instrument that produces very thin slices of plant and animal tissues, for later examination…
microtome v. To cut into sections using a microtome.
MICROTOME n. an instrument used to cut very small sections of something.
MOMENTOESmomentoes n. Plural of momento.
MOMENTO n. something kept or given as a reminder, also MEMENTO.
MOMENTOUSmomentous adj. Outstanding in importance, of great consequence.
MOMENTOUS adj. of great consequence.
MONOMETERmonometer n. (Poetry) A line of verse containing a single metrical foot.
MONOMETER n. a rhythmic series, consisting of a single meter.
MONOSTOMEmonostome n. A nematode of the genus Monostoma.
MONOSTOME adj. having only one mouth, pore or similar opening, also MONOSTOMOUS.
MONOTREMEmonotreme n. (Zoology) A mammal that lays eggs and has a single urogenital and digestive orifice. Only the echidnas…
monotreme adj. (Palynology, of a pollen grain) Having a single trema, or aperture.
MONOTREME n. a primitive Australian egg-laying mammal, e.g. a duck-billed platypus.
MOTORHOMEmotorhome n. Alternative spelling of motor home.
motor-home n. Alternative spelling of motor home.
motor␣home n. A type of recreational vehicle, a self-propelled structure built on a truck or bus chassis containing…
OSMOMETERosmometer n. Any of various devices used to measure osmotic pressure.
OSMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring osmotic pressure.
OSMOMETRYosmometry n. (Physics, chemistry) The measurement of osmotic pressure.
OSMOMETRY n. the use of an osmometer, an instrument for measuring osmotic pressure.
ROOMMATESroommates n. Plural of roommate.
ROOMMATE n. one who shares a room.
STOMODEUMstomodeum n. (Anatomy) A depression on the ectoderm of a developing embryo that becomes the mouth.
STOMODEUM n. an embryonic oral cavity.
TIMORSOMEtimorsome adj. (Scotland) Easily frightened; timorous.
TIMORSOME adj. (dialect) easily frightened.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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