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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, 2M, N, T and U

AMUSEMENTamusement n. (Uncountable) Entertainment.
amusement n. (Countable) An activity that is entertaining or amusing, such as dancing, gunning, or fishing.
AMUSEMENT n. a recreation, pastime.
CEMENTUMSCEMENTUM n. (Latin) the hard tissue covering the roots of the teeth.
COMMINUTEcomminute v. (Transitive) To pulverize; to smash.
comminute v. (Medicine) To cause fragmentation (of bone).
comminute v. (Transitive) To break into smaller portions.
EMOLUMENTemolument n. (Formal) Payment for employment or an office; compensation for a job, which is usually monetary.
EMOLUMENT n. payment; profit arising from employment.
IMBUEMENTimbuement n. The act of imbuing, or state of being imbued.
imbuement n. A deep tincture.
IMBUEMENT n. the act of imbuing.
LOMENTUMSlomentums n. Plural of lomentum.
LOMENTUM n. (Latin) a type of plant pod, also LOMENT.
MENSTRUUMmenstruum n. (Chiefly in the plural, historical) The menses; menstrual discharge.
menstruum n. (Historical) A solvent.
menstruum n. Any liquid medium.
MINUTEMANminuteman n. Alternative form of minute man.
minute-man n. Alternative form of minute man.
minute␣man n. (Historical) During the American War for Independence, a citizen-soldier who would fight for the Patriots…
MINUTEMENminutemen n. Plural of minuteman.
minute-men n. Alternative form of minutemen ; plural of minute-man.
minute␣men n. Plural of minute man.
MOMENTOUSmomentous adj. Outstanding in importance, of great consequence.
MOMENTOUS adj. of great consequence.
MOMENTUMSmomentums n. Plural of momentum.
MOMENTUM n. (Latin) force of movement.
MONUMENTSmonuments n. Plural of monument.
MONUMENT v. to mark with a monument.
MUNIMENTSmuniments n. (Obsolete) plural of muniment.
MUNIMENT n. a means of defence, also MINIMENT.
NUMMULITEnummulite n. A protozoan from the Tertiary period, known only as fossils.
NUMMULITE n. a fossil of the genus Nummulites and allied genera.
SARMENTUMsarmentum n. (Botany) A runner.
SARMENTUM n. (Latin) a long whiplike runner, leafless except at the tip, also SARMENT.
SUBMENTUMsubmentum n. (Zoology) The basal part of the labium of insects, which bears the mentum.
SUBMENTUM n. the basal part of the labium of insects.
TEGMENTUMtegmentum n. (Neuroanatomy) The ventral portion of the midbrain, divided from the tectum by the cerebral aqueduct…
tegmentum n. (Neuroanatomy) Containing the following nuclei: red nucleus, substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area.
TEGMENTUM n. (Latin) a scale protecting a bud.
TORMENTUMtormentum n. (Historical) An ancient engine for hurling missiles.
TORMENTUM n. (Latin) a missile hurler.
UNSTEMMEDunstemmed adj. Not stemmed.
UNSTEMMED adj. not stemmed.
UNTRIMMEDuntrimmed adj. Not trimmed; not made tidy by cutting.
untrimmed adj. Not adorned with trimmings.
UNTRIM v. to strip of trimming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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