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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing E, L, P, S, U and V

APPULSIVEappulsive adj. Striking against; impinging.
APPULSIVE adj. relating to an appulse, the close approach of a planet or asteroid to a star without the occurrence of an eclipse.
BUPLEVERSbuplevers n. Plural of buplever.
BUPLEVER n. the hare's-ear plant.
EXPULSIVEexpulsive adj. Tending to expel or resulting in expulsion.
EXPULSIVE adj. serving to expel.
IMPULSIVEimpulsive adj. Having the power of driving or impelling; giving an impulse; moving; impellent.
impulsive adj. Actuated by impulse or by transient feelings; inclined to make rapid decisions without due consideration.
impulsive adj. (Mechanics) Acting momentarily, or by impulse; not continuous – said of forces.
PRELUSIVEprelusive adj. Acting as a prelude; preliminary.
PRELUSIVE adj. introductory, also PRELUSORY.
PREVALUESPREVALUE v. to value beforehand.
PULLOVERSpullovers n. Plural of pullover.
PULLOVER n. a garment that is put by drawing over the head.
PULSATIVEpulsative adj. Characterised by pulsing or beating; throbbing.
PULSATIVE adj. of musical instruments, played by percussion, also PULSATILE.
PULVERISEpulverise v. (Transitive) To render into dust or powder.
pulverise v. (Transitive) To completely destroy, especially by crushing to fragments or a powder.
pulverise v. (Transitive) To defeat soundly, thrash.
PULVEROUSpulverous adj. Resembling or consisting of dust or powder.
PULVEROUS adj. dusty or powder.
PULVILLESPULVILLE n. (historical) perfumed powder; snuff, also PULVIL, PULVILIO, PULVILLIO.
REPULSIVErepulsive adj. Tending to rouse aversion or to repulse; disgusting.
repulsive adj. (Physics) Having the capacity to repel.
repulsive adj. Cold; reserved; forbidding.
UPHEAVALSupheavals n. Plural of upheaval.
UPHEAVAL n. the act of upheaving.
VAPULATESvapulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vapulate.
VAPULATE v. to flog; to be flogged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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