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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, L, O, R and 2U

CERULEOUSceruleous adj. (Archaic) cerulean; of a deep rich blue colour.
CERULEOUS adj. sky-blue; dark blue; sea-green, also CAERULEAN, CERULEAN.
COCULTUREcoculture n. (Biology) A cell culture containing two (or sometimes more) different types of cells.
coculture v. (Biology) To culture together, usually with another type of cell.
COCULTURE v. to grow (two or more organisms) in the same growing medium or culture.
CREDULOUScredulous adj. Excessively ready to believe things; gullible.
credulous adj. Believed too readily.
CREDULOUS adj. gullible.
DOUBLURESdoublures n. Plural of doublure.
DOUBLURE n. (French) an ornamental lining on the inside of a book, of leather or vellum.
FURFUROLEfurfurole n. Alternative form of furfurol.
FURFUROLE n. a liquid obtained by heating bran with dilute sulphuric acid, also FURAL, FURFURAL, FURFURALDEHYDE, FURFUROL, FUROL, FUROLE.
LONGUEURSlongueurs n. Plural of longueur.
LONGUEUR n. (French) a long and tedious section of a book, play, etc.
OPERCULUMoperculum n. (Zoology) A covering flap in animals, such as a gill cover.
operculum n. (Botany) The lidlike portion of a moss sporangium or of a fruit that detaches to allow the dispersal…
operculum n. (Dentistry) A gum flap covering (part of) a partially erupted tooth, usually a wisdom tooth.
OUTHAULERouthauler n. Synonym of outhaul.
OUTHAULER n. a rope used to haul a sail taut along a spar, also OUTHAUL.
OUTLUSTERoutluster v. Alternative form of outlustre.
OUTLUSTER v. to exceed in luster, also OUTLUSTRE.
OUTLUSTREoutlustre v. (Poetic, transitive) To surpass in brightness or lustre; to outshine.
OUTLUSTRE v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in lustre, also OUTLUSTER.
PULVEROUSpulverous adj. Resembling or consisting of dust or powder.
PULVEROUS adj. dusty or powder.
QUERULOUSquerulous adj. Often complaining; suggesting a complaint in expression; fretful, whining.
QUERULOUS adj. complaining; peevish.
SOURCEFULSOURCEFUL adj. offering useful things.
SURCULOSEsurculose adj. (Botany) Producing suckers or sucker-like shoots.
SURCULOSE adj. having or producing suckers.
TELLUROUStellurous adj. (Chemistry) Containing tellurium in a higher valency than in telluric compounds.
TELLUROUS adj. of or containing tellurium, esp. in a low oxidation state.
TREMULOUStremulous adj. Trembling, quivering, or shaking.
tremulous adj. Timid, hesitant; lacking confidence.
TREMULOUS adj. trembling; quivering.
UNCOUPLERuncoupler n. Anything that uncouples.
uncoupler n. (Biochemistry) Any substance that inhibits ATP synthesis by breaking its connection with the electron…
UNCOUPLER n. a device for uncoupling.
URODELOUSurodelous adj. (Zoology) Relating to the Urodela (syn. of Caudata).
URODELOUS adj. of or like urodeles, newts and salamanders.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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