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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, L, N, S, T and W

CROWNLETScrownlets n. Plural of crownlet.
CROWNLET n. a small crown.
FLOWSTONEflowstone n. (Geology) A secondary layered mineral deposit of calcite or other mineral, formed by water flowing down…
FLOWSTONE n. a general term for deposits formed by dripping and flowing water on walls and floors of caves.
MELTDOWNSmeltdowns n. Plural of meltdown.
MELTDOWN n. the melting of the core of a nuclear reactor.
SLANTWISEslantwise adj. Diagonal, in a direction or orientation between cardinal axes.
slantwise adv. Diagonally, in a direction or orientation between cardinal axes.
SLANTWISE adv. in a slanting direction, also SLANTWAYS.
SNOWBELTSsnowbelts n. Plural of snowbelt.
SNOWBELT n. an area of regular snowfall.
SNOWMELTSsnowmelts n. Plural of snowmelt.
SNOWMELT n. water produced by the melting of snow.
STONEWALLstonewall n. (Idiomatic) An obstruction.
stonewall n. (Idiomatic) A refusal to cooperate.
stonewall n. (Idiomatic, historical) An alcoholic drink popular in colonial America, consisting of apple cider (or…
TOWELINGStowelings n. Plural of toweling.
TOWELING n. material used for towels, also TOWELLING.
TOWPLANESTOWPLANE n. an airplane that tows gliders.
TRAWLNETStrawlnets n. Plural of trawlnet.
TRAWLNET n. a large net used in trawling.
TREELAWNStreelawns n. Plural of treelawn.
tree␣lawns n. Plural of tree lawn.
TREELAWN n. the strip of lawn between the street and pavement.
TWANGLERStwanglers n. Plural of twangler.
TWANGLER n. one who twangles.
TWINKLERStwinklers n. Plural of twinkler.
TWINKLER n. one who, or that which, twinkles.
WAISTLINEwaistline n. A line around the body at the waist; its measurement.
waistline n. The narrowest part of a garment, usually at the waist, but may be above or below depending on the dictates…
waistline n. (Slang) person having a large waistline.
WASTELANDwasteland n. A place with no remaining resources; a desert.
wasteland n. Any barren or uninteresting place.
wasteland n. A devastated, not (or no longer) habitable area.
WELDMENTSweldments n. Plural of weldment.
WELDMENT n. a unit composed of welded pieces.
WRESTLINGwrestling v. Present participle of wrestle.
wrestling n. A sport where two opponents attempt to subdue each other in bare-handed grappling using techniques of…
wrestling n. A professional tumbling act that emulates the sport of wrestling. Also called "professional wrestling"…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 100 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 54 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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