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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, L, N, 2R and S

AIRLINERSairliners n. Plural of airliner.
AIRLINER n. a large passenger aircraft.
ENLARGERSenlargers n. Plural of enlarger.
ENLARGER n. a device which enlarges photographs.
ENROLLERSenrollers n. Plural of enroller.
ENROLLER n. one who enrols.
LARCENERSlarceners n. Plural of larcener.
LARCENER n. one who commits larceny, also LARCENIST.
LINGERERSlingerers n. Plural of lingerer.
LINGERER n. one who lingers.
NORSELLERnorseller n. One who affixes with norsels.
NORSELLER n. (obsolete) one who fishes with a norsel.
RECLINERSrecliners n. Plural of recliner.
RECLINER n. a kind of couch.
REDLINERSredliners n. Plural of redliner.
REDLINER n. one that redlines, withholds loans or insurance from certain neighbourhoods.
REENROLLSreenrolls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reenroll.
REENROLL v. to enroll again.
RITORNELSritornels n. Plural of ritornel.
RITORNEL n. a short instrumental passage in a vocal work, also RITORNELL, RITORNELLE, RITORNELLO, RITOURNELLE.
RURALNESSruralness n. The quality of being rural.
RURALNESS n. the state of being rural.
SLANDERERslanderer n. One who slanders or defames the name or reputation of another person.
SLANDERER n. one who slanders.
SLENDERERslenderer adj. Comparative form of slender: more slender.
SLENDER adj. slight of build.
SNORKELERsnorkeler n. A person who uses a snorkel to do snorkeling.
SNORKELER n. one who snorkels, also SNORKELLER.
SPRINKLERsprinkler n. Anything that sprinkles.
sprinkler n. An irrigation device that sprays water into the air whilst moving back and forth.
sprinkler n. A heat-activated device that sprays water in the event of a fire, usually mounted on a ceiling.
STRANGLERstrangler n. Someone who strangles, especially who murders by strangling.
strangler n. An epiphyte whose aerial roots eventually strangle the tree on which it grows.
STRANGLER n. one who stranglers.
TRUNDLERStrundlers n. Plural of trundler.
TRUNDLER n. (New Zealand) a golf bag or shopping trolley.
UNREELERSunreelers n. Plural of unreeler.
UNREELER n. one who unreels.
WRANGLERSwranglers n. Plural of wrangler.
WRANGLER n. a cattle-herder, a cowboy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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