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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, L, 2N, P and U

LUCKPENNYluck␣penny n. (Archaic) A small sum of money given back for luck when paying.
luck␣penny n. A coin carried or given for luck.
LUCKPENNY n. a coin kept for luck.
NONPLUSEDnonplused v. Simple past tense and past participle of nonplus.
NONPLUS v. to take aback, baffle.
NONPLUSESnonpluses n. Plural of nonplus.
nonpluses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nonplus.
NONPLUS v. to take aback, baffle.
NONUPLETSnonuplets n. Plural of nonuplet.
NONUPLET n. a group of nine notes to be performed in the time of eight or six.
PENDULINEpenduline n. A penduline tit.
penduline adj. (Of a bird’s nest) Hanging, pendulous.
PENDULINE adj. building a pendulous nest, as in penduline tit.
PENINSULApeninsula n. (Geography) A piece of land projecting into water from a larger land mass.
PENINSULA n. a strip of land jutting out into water, a near-island.
PENNATULApennatula n. (Zoology) Any of numerous species of Pennatula, Pteroides, and allied genera of Alcyonaria, having a…
Pennatula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pennatulidae – certain sea pens.
PENNATULA n. a sea-pen.
PINNULATEpinnulate adj. (Botany) Having each pinna subdivided; said of a leaf, or of its pinnae.
PINNULATE adj. having each pinna subdivided, also PINNULATED.
PLENILUNEplenilune n. (Poetic) The full moon.
PLENILUNE n. the time of the full moon.
PUNCHLINEpunchline n. Alternative spelling of punch line.
punch␣line n. The final part of a joke; the word, sentence, or exchange of sentences that is intended to be funny…
punch␣line n. (By extension) A final, concluding statement that an explanation has been leading up to; a conclusion.
PUNGENTLYpungently adv. In a pungent manner.
PUNGENT adv. sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell.
UNPANNELSunpannels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unpannel.
UNPANNEL v. to unsaddle, also UNPANEL.
UNPLAINEDunplained adj. (Obsolete) Not deplored or bewailed; unlamented.
UNPLAINED adj. (Spenser) not lamented.
UNPLANKEDunplanked adj. Not fitted with planks.
unplanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of unplank.
UNPLANKED adj. not fitted with planks.
UNPLANNEDunplanned adj. Unintentional; not intended.
unplanned adj. Spontaneous and not thought through in advance.
unplanned adj. Not having any structure or organization.
UNPLANTEDunplanted adj. Not planted.
UNPLANTED adj. not planted.
UPLEANINGupleaning v. Present participle of uplean.
UPLEAN v. to rest one's weight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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