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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing E, L, 2N, O and V

ANTINOVELantinovel n. (Literature) A novel that deliberately avoids the typical conventions of the novel, such as a coherent…
antinovel n. (Literature, by extension) Any style of writing that deviates from the norm of technical conventions…
anti-novel n. Alternative spelling of antinovel.
FLAVANONEflavanone n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of flavonoid ketones, many of which occur in nature as glycosides.
FLAVANONE n. a colourless crystalline ketone.
INSOLVENTinsolvent adj. Unable to pay one’s bills as they fall due.
insolvent adj. Owing more than one has in assets.
insolvent adj. Not sufficient to pay all the debts of the owner.
NONNOVELSnonnovels n. Plural of nonnovel.
NONNOVEL n. a literary work that is not a novel.
NONSELVESnonselves n. Plural of nonself.
non-selves n. Plural of non-self.
NONSELF n. something that is not the self.
NONVERBALnonverbal adj. Alternative spelling of non-verbal.
nonverbal n. Alternative spelling of non-verbal.
non-verbal adj. (Of communication) In a form other than written or spoken words, such as gestures, facial expressions…
NONVIABLEnonviable adj. Not viable: not capable of independent life; not practicable.
NONVIABLE adj. not viable.
NONVIRILEnonvirile adj. Not virile.
nonvirile adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to a grammatical gender used in some Slavic languages for plurals of masculine…
NONVIRILE adj. not virile.
NOVENNIALnovennial adj. Of or relating to a 9-year period.
NOVENNIAL adj. recurring every ninth year.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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