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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, L, M, N, T and Y

ALLAYMENTallayment n. Something that allays; mitigation.
ALLAYMENT n. an allaying, a mitigation.
ANIMATELYanimately adv. In an animate manner.
ANIMATE adv. living, having animal life.
CLEMENTLYclemently adv. In a clement manner.
CLEMENT adv. merciful.
CONTUMELYcontumely n. Offensive and abusive language or behaviour; scorn, insult.
CONTUMELY n. contemptuous or insulting treatment arising from arrogance.
EMINENTLYeminently adv. In an eminent or prominent manner.
eminently adv. To a great degree; notably; highly.
EMINENT adv. of high station or rank.
LAMBENTLYlambently adv. In a lambent manner, brightly.
LAMBENT adv. flickering like a flame.
MELTINGLYmeltingly adv. So as to melt, or seem to melt.
MELTING adv. in a melting state.
MENTALITYmentality n. A mindset; a way of thinking; a set of beliefs.
mentality n. The characteristics of a mind described as a system of distinctive structures and processes based in…
MENTALITY n. mind, a way of thinking.
METHANOYLmethanoyl n. (Organic chemistry) formyl.
METHANOYL n. any of a class of highly reactive organic chemical compounds.
METHYLENEmethylene n. (Organic chemistry) The divalent group CH2< in which the free valencies are part of single bonds.
methylene n. (Organic chemistry) The same group, present as a repeating unit, in aliphatic compounds with names such…
methylene n. (Organic chemistry) The unstable carbene CH2
MONEYBELTmoneybelt n. Alternative form of money belt.
money␣belt n. A belt concealed under clothing, having a pocket for money or other documents.
MONEYBELT n. a belt for carrying money.
MONOSTELYmonostely n. (Botany) The property of being monostelic.
MONOSTELY n. a single stele, also MONOSTELE.
MONOSTYLEmonostyle adj. (Architecture) Having a single column.
MONOSTYLE adj. consisting of a single shaft, also MONOSTYLAR.
MYLONITESmylonites n. Plural of mylonite.
MYLONITE n. a hard, streaky, often granular rock produced by crushing.
SOLEMNITYsolemnity n. The quality of being deeply serious and sober or solemn.
solemnity n. An instance or example of solemn behavior; a rite or ceremony performed with reverence.
solemnity n. (Catholicism) A feast day of the highest rank celebrating a mystery of faith such as the Trinity, an…
TEEMINGLYteemingly adv. In great numbers; crowdedly.
TEEMING adv. TEEM, to be full to overflowing.
TELEONOMYteleonomy n. (Evolutionary theory) The quality of living organisms of seeming to be organized towards the attainment of an end.
TELEONOMY n. the property of living systems of being organized towards the attainment of ends without true purposiveness.
TEMULENCYtemulency n. Intoxication, drunkenness, temulence.
TEMULENCY n. intoxication, also TEMULENCE.
UNKEMPTLYunkemptly adv. In an unkempt manner.
UNKEMPT adv. untidy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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