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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, L, 2M, O and R

KLEZMORIMklezmorim n. Plural of klezmer.
KLEZMER n. (Yiddish) a style of music, part Jewish, part big-band.
MACROMOLEMACROMOLE n. in chemistry, a large mole.
MAELSTROMmaelstrom n. A large and violent whirlpool.
maelstrom n. (Figuratively) A chaotic or turbulent situation.
maelström n. Dated spelling of maelstrom.
MALFORMEDmalformed adj. Not formed correctly; misshapen; deformed.
MALFORMED adj. badly formed.
MARMOREALmarmoreal adj. Resembling marble or a marble statue; cold, smooth, white, etc.; marblelike.
marmoreal adj. (Obsolete) Made out of marble.
MARMOREAL adj. of or like marble, also MARMOREAN.
MEALWORMSmealworms n. Plural of mealworm.
MEALWORM n. the destructive larva of certain beetles.
MELIORISMmeliorism n. The view or doctrine that the world can be improved through human effort (often understood as an intermediate…
MELIORISM n. the belief that the world tends to become better and that humans can aid its betterment.
MELODRAMAmelodrama n. (Archaic, uncountable) A kind of drama having a musical accompaniment to intensify the effect of certain scenes.
melodrama n. (Countable) A drama abounding in romantic sentiment and agonizing situations, with a musical accompaniment…
melodrama n. (Uncountable, figuratively, colloquial) Any situation or action which is blown out of proportion.
MELODRAMEmelodrame n. Obsolete form of melodrama.
MELODRAME n. a kind of romantic and sensational drama, also MELODRAMA.
MEMORABLEmemorable adj. Worthy to be remembered; very important or remarkable.
memorable n. Something interesting enough to be remembered.
MEMORABLE adj. worth remembering.
MEMORABLYmemorably adv. In a memorable manner.
MEMORABLE adv. worth remembering.
MEMORIALSmemorials n. Plural of memorial.
MEMORIAL n. something that serves as a remembrance of a person or event.
MICROMOLEmicromole n. (Metrology) An SI unit of amount of substance equal to 10-6 moles. Symbol: μmol.
MICROMOLE n. a millionth of a mole.
MILOMETERmilometer n. An odometer graduated in miles.
MILOMETER n. an instrument that records the number of miles that a vehicle, etc. has travelled, also MILEOMETER.
MYELOGRAMmyelogram n. A radiographic image produced by myelography.
MYELOGRAM n. an X-ray of the spinal cord, after injection with a radio-opaque medium.
ORIFLAMMEoriflamme n. (History) The red silk banner of St Denis, which the abbot of St Denis gave to French kings as they rode to war.
oriflamme n. (Figuratively) Any banner, idea or principle which serves as a rallying point for those involved in a struggle.
oriflamme n. (Literary) Something resembling the banner of St Denis; a bright, shining object.
SOMMELIERsommelier n. The member of staff at a restaurant who keeps the wine cellar and advises the guests on a choice of…
sommelier v. (Rare) To act as a sommelier.
SOMMELIER n. (French) a wine steward in a restaurant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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