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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, 2L, S and 2U

BLUECURLSbluecurls n. Any plant in genus Trichostema, with blue flowers.
BLUECURLS n. a North American plant.
BUSHELFULbushelful n. Enough to fill a bushel.
BUSHELFUL n. an amount equivalent to a bushel, a measure of capacity equal to 8 gallons.
CELLULOUSCELLULOUS adj. of or like cellulose.
CLAUSULAEclausulae n. Plural of clausula.
CLAUSULA n. (Latin) a short clause ending a period in Latin prose.
EMULOUSLYemulously adv. In an emulous manner; ambitiously or competitively.
EMULOUS adv. eager to equal or surpass another.
LIMULUSESLIMULUS n. (Latin) a horseshoe crab, also LIMULOID.
LUTEOLOUSluteolous adj. Yellowish.
LUTEOLOUS adj. yellowish.
MUSEFULLYmusefully adv. In a museful manner, musingly, pensively.
MUSEFUL adv. meditative; thoughtfully silent.
NUCLEOLUSnucleolus n. (Cytology) A conspicuous, rounded body within the nucleus of a cell.
NUCLEOLUS n. a minute rounded body within the nucleus of a cell, associated with RNA synthesis, also NUCLEOLE.
PLUMULOSEplumulose adj. Having hairs branching out laterally, like the parts of a feather.
PLUMULOSE adj. having hairs branching out laterally, like the parts of a feather.
RESULTFULresultful adj. Having results or effects.
RESULTFUL adj. having results or effects.
SCUTELLUMscutellum n. Any of several shield-shaped structures in insects, grasses etc.
SCUTELLUM n. (Latin) a scale on a bird's leg.
SURMULLETsurmullet n. A red mullet, Mullus surmuletus.
SURMULLET n. a fish much esteemed by the Romans for its dramatic color changes as it died.
TELLUROUStellurous adj. (Chemistry) Containing tellurium in a higher valency than in telluric compounds.
TELLUROUS adj. of or containing tellurium, esp. in a low oxidation state.
UMBELULESUMBELULE n. a secondary umbel, also UMBELLULE.
UNSULLIEDunsullied adj. Not sullied.
UNSULLIED adj. not sullied.
VULSELLUMvulsellum n. (Surgery) A type of forceps with hooks at the tip of each blade, used in obstetrics and gynecology.
VULSELLUM n. (Latin) a forceps with toothed or clawed blades, also VULSELLA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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