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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, 2L, O and 2T

ALLOTMENTallotment n. The act of allotting.
allotment n. Something allotted; a share, part, or portion granted or distributed.
allotment n. (Law) The allowance of a specific amount of money or other credit of a particular thing to a particular person.
ALLOTTEESallottees n. Plural of allottee.
ALLOTTEE n. one to whom something is allotted.
ALLOTTERSallotters n. Plural of allotter.
ALLOTTER n. one who allots.
ALLOTTERYallottery n. (Obsolete) Allotment. portion, allocation.
ALLOTTERY n. (Shakespeare) a share allotted.
ATTOLLENSATTOLLENS adj. (Latin) of a muscle, that raises, also ATTOLLENT.
ATTOLLENTattollent adj. (Obsolete) Lifting up; raising.
attollent n. (Obsolete) A raising or lifting muscle.
ATTOLLENT adj. lifting up, raising.
BOTTLEFULbottleful n. As much as a bottle will hold.
BOTTLEFUL n. the contents of a bottle.
STYLOLITEstylolite n. (Geology) An irregular surface between strata consisting of toothlike projections; most common in limestone…
STYLOLITE n. an irregular suture-like boundary creating columnar formations in some limestones and evaporites.
TOLLGATEDTOLLGATE v. to block a business deal pending the payment of a bribe.
TOLLGATEStollgates n. Plural of tollgate.
TOLLGATE v. to block a business deal pending the payment of a bribe.
TORTELLISTORTELLI n. (Italian) small pasta parcels stuffed with meat, cheese or vegetables, also TORTELLINI.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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