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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, 2L, N, P and U

CUPELLINGcupelling v. Present participle of cupel.
CUPEL v. to refine gold or silver in a small vessel.
NULLIPOREnullipore n. Any of various crustaceous marine algae which secrete calcium carbonate.
NULLIPORE n. (Latin) any of various red algae which secrete a crust of calcium carbonate.
OPULENTLYopulently adv. In an opulent manner.
OPULENT adv. wealthy.
PLANTULESplantules n. Plural of plantule.
PLANTULE n. a plant embryo.
PLANULATEplanulate adj. Having a flattened form.
planulate adj. (Zoology) Having planulae.
planulate n. The flat, free-swimming, ciliated larva of a cnidarian.
PLENILUNEplenilune n. (Poetic) The full moon.
PLENILUNE n. the time of the full moon.
PLENTIFULplentiful adj. Existing in large number or ample amount.
plentiful adj. Yielding abundance; fruitful.
plentiful adj. (Obsolete) lavish; profuse; prodigal.
PRUNELLASprunellas n. Plural of prunella.
PRUNELLA n. a strong silk or woollen material, formerly used for academic and clerical gowns and women's shoes, also PRUNELLE.
PRUNELLESprunelles n. Plural of prunelle.
PRUNELLE n. (French) a strong silk or woollen material, formerly used for academic and clerical gowns and women's shoes, also PRUNELLA.
PRUNELLOSprunellos n. Plural of prunello.
PRUNELLO n. (Italian) a fine kind of prune, esp. one made from a greengage.
PULLEYINGpulleying v. Present participle of pulley.
PULLEY v. to hoist with a pulley.
PULVINULEPULVINULE n. the pulvinus of a leaflet.
SPLEENFULspleenful adj. Full of spleen; spiteful.
spleenful n. A quantity of invective.
spleenful n. More than one can take.
UNHELPFULunhelpful adj. Not providing help or assistance; not helpful.
UNHELPFUL adj. not helpful.
UNPLIABLEunpliable adj. Not pliable.
UNPLIABLE adj. not pliable.
UNSPELLEDunspelled adj. Not spelled.
unspelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unspell.
UNSPELL v. to free from a spell.
UNSPILLEDunspilled adj. Not spilled.
UNSPILLED adj. not spilled, also UNSPILT.
UPSELLINGupselling v. Present participle of upsell.
UPSELL v. to attempt to persuade a customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale.
UPSWOLLENupswollen v. Past participle of upswell.
UPSWELL v. to swell up.
UPWELLINGupwelling n. An upward movement from a lower source.
upwelling n. The oceanographic phenomenon that occurs when strong, usually seasonal, winds push water away from the…
upwelling v. Present participle of upwell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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