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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, 2L, M, N and R

CELLARMANcellarman n. A person in charge of the alcoholic drinks (traditionally the wine cellar) in a tavern etc.
CELLARMAN n. a person responsible for a cellar.
CELLARMENcellarmen n. Plural of cellarman.
CELLARMAN n. a person responsible for a cellar.
ENAMELLERenameller n. Alternative form of enameler.
ENAMELLER n. one who enamels; a workman or artist who applies enamels in ornamental work, also ENAMELER, ENAMELIST, ENAMELLIST.
ILLUMINERilluminer n. One who, or that which, illuminates.
ILLUMINER n. one who illumines.
MALLANDERMALLANDER n. an eruption of the skin behind a horse's knee, also MALANDER, MALLENDER.
MALLENDERmallender n. Alternative form of malander.
MALLENDER n. an eruption of the skin behind a horse's knee, also MALANDER, MALLANDER.
MANFULLERmanfuller adj. Comparative form of manful: more manful.
MANFUL adj. courageous.
MELLOTRONmellotron n. (Music) An early electronic keyboard instrument that played back prerecorded sounds.
MELLOTRON n. (tradename) an electronic keyboard instrument programmed to produce the tape-recorder sounds of orchestral instruments.
MILLENARYmillenary adj. Of or pertaining to a thousand, especially to a thousand years.
millenary adj. Of or pertaining to a millennium; millenarian.
millenary n. (Archaic) A period of one thousand years; a millennium.
MILLINERSmilliners n. Plural of milliner.
Milliners prop.n. Plural of Milliner.
milliner's n. A shop that sells millinery.
MILLINERYmillinery n. Women’s hats.
millinery n. (Countable) A shop selling women’s hats.
millinery n. (Uncountable) The business and work that a milliner engages in.
MISENROLLMISENROLL v. to enrol wrongly, also MISENROL.
MONGRELLYmongrelly adj. Like a mongrel.
MONGRELLY adj. like a mongrel.
MULLERIANmullerian adj. Alternative form of Müllerian.
müllerian adj. Alternative letter-case form of Müllerian.
Müllerian adj. Relating to, or discovered by, the German physiologist Johannes Peter Müller (1801-1858).
MULLERINGmullering v. Present participle of muller.
MULLER v. to inflict a severe defeat on, also MULLAH.
NUMERALLYnumerally adv. According to number; in number; numerically.
NUMERAL adv. according to number.
TILLERMANtillerman n. (US) A person who steers the rear wheels of a fire truck (a tiller truck) or controls its ladder.
TILLERMAN n. one who operates a tiller.
TILLERMENtillermen n. Plural of tillerman.
TILLERMAN n. one who operates a tiller.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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