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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, K, M, R and 2S

DRESSMAKEdressmake v. (Transitive, intransitive) To make (a dress or dresses).
DRESSMAKE v. to make dresses.
HUMORESKSHUMORESK n. a musical caprice, also HUMORESQUE.
KAISERISMKAISERISM n. the system of having a kaiser.
KERMESSESkermesses n. Plural of kermess.
kermesses n. Plural of kermesse.
KERMESSE n. (Dutch) a cycle race held in an urban area.
KIRMESSESkirmesses n. Plural of kirmess.
KIRMESS n. (Dutch) in Europe, particularly in Belgium and Holland, an outdoor festival and fair; in the United States, generally an indoor entertainment and fair combined, also KERMESS, KERMIS.
LOSSMAKERlossmaker n. A company, product, etc. that makes a financial loss.
loss-maker n. Alternative form of lossmaker.
LOSSMAKER n. a business that makes a continual loss.
MESHWORKSmeshworks n. Plural of meshwork.
MESHWORK n. a network.
MIRKINESSMIRKINESS n. the state of being mirky, dark, gloomy, also MURKINESS.
MISLIKERSmislikers n. Plural of misliker.
MISLIKER n. one who mislikes.
MISSTRIKEmisstrike v. (Transitive) To strike badly or incorrectly.
misstrike n. An instance of striking something badly or incorrectly, a misstroke.
misstrike n. (Numismatics) A coin or medal with an irregularity, defect or error.
MISTAKERSmistakers n. Plural of mistaker.
MISTAKER n. one who makes a mistake.
MURKINESSmurkiness n. The state or quality of being murky.
MURKINESS n. the state of being murky, also MIRKINESS.
MUSICKERSmusickers n. Plural of musicker.
MUSICKER n. (dialect) a musician.
OCKERISMSockerisms n. Plural of ockerism.
OCKERISM n. (Australian slang) boorishness in Australians.
PRESSMARKpressmark n. The logo of a publishing press.
PRESSMARK n. a mark on a book to show its location in a library.
SEMIWORKSsemiworks n. Alternative form of semi-works.
semi-works n. A manufacturing plant large enough to produce market development quantities, but smaller than a full-scale…
SEMIWORKS n. a manufacturing plant operating on a limited commercial scale to provide final tests of a new product or process.
SITKAMERSSITKAMER n. (South African) a sitting-room.
SMIRKIESTsmirkiest adj. Superlative form of smirky: most smirky.
SMIRKY adj. given to smirking.
UNMASKERSunmaskers n. Plural of unmasker.
UNMASKER n. one who unmasks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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